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Improving energy efficiency in well construction through the use of hydrocarbon-based muds and muds with improved lubricating properties
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1728/1/012031
M V Nutskova 1 , M V Dvoynikov 1 , M E Budovskaya 1 , D A Sidorov 1 , A A Pantyukhin 1

During the construction of directional wells in spatially curved sections of the barrel, large contact loads and huge resistance to the movement of the drill string during lifting can occur, which leads to increased wear of the drill pipes and high energy costs. One of the directions for increasing the energy efficiency of drilling such wells was the reduction of friction at the metal-metal, metal-rock, and metal-filter cake boundaries. This result can be achieved by introducing special lubricating additives or by switching to a hydrocarbon solution during drilling. The article presents the study of drilling fluids with the introduction of lubricating additives on a lubricity tester Fann EP / Lubricity Tester Model 212, a device for determining the coefficient of clay cake KTK-2, a rotary viscometer Fann 35SA, pH meter Crison GLP 21 to reduce the coefficient of friction of a pair “metal – metal” in a clay solution, which amounted to 70-75%, in an aqueous solution - up to 65%. The optimal concentration of the additive according to the study in different drilling fluids was about 1.5-2%. The results of a study of the effect of the speed and time of mixing a hydrocarbon-based solution during its preparation on the electrostability of the emulsion obtained are carried out on a BVD device, which showed a significant increase in the stability of the washing liquid to 24%, which leads to a decrease in the number of complications associated with pipe wear and a decrease torque when rotating the column.



在桶的空间弯曲部分中建造定向井期间,在提升过程中可能会出现大的接触载荷和对钻柱运动的巨大阻力,这会导致钻杆磨损增加和能源成本高。提高钻井能源效率的方向之一是减少金属-金属、金属-岩石和金属-滤饼边界处的摩擦。这一结果可以通过引入特殊的润滑添加剂或在钻井过程中改用碳​​氢化合物溶液来实现。本文介绍了在润滑性测试仪 Fann EP / Lubricity Tester Model 212 上引入润滑添加剂对钻井液的研究,这是一种用于确定粘土饼 KTK-2 系数的设备,旋转粘度计 Fann 35SA,pH 计 Crison GLP 21 可降低粘土溶液中一对“金属 - 金属”的摩擦系数,在水溶液中达到 70-75% - 高达 65%。根据研究,添加剂在不同钻井液中的最佳浓度约为 1.5-2%。在 BVD 装置上进行了烃基溶液在制备过程中混合速度和时间对所得乳液电稳定性影响的研究结果,结果表明洗涤液的稳定性显着提高降低到 24%,这导致与管道磨损相关的并发症数量减少,并降低了旋转柱时的扭矩。根据研究,添加剂在不同钻井液中的最佳浓度约为 1.5-2%。在 BVD 装置上进行了烃基溶液在制备过程中混合速度和时间对所得乳液电稳定性影响的研究结果,结果表明洗涤液的稳定性显着提高降低到 24%,这导致与管道磨损相关的并发症数量减少,并降低了旋转柱时的扭矩。根据研究,添加剂在不同钻井液中的最佳浓度约为 1.5-2%。在 BVD 装置上进行了烃基溶液在制备过程中混合速度和时间对所得乳液电稳定性影响的研究结果,结果表明洗涤液的稳定性显着提高降低到 24%,这导致与管道磨损相关的并发症数量减少,并降低了旋转柱时的扭矩。
