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Catalytic fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: Critical role of zeolite catalysts
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ( IF 16.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.110707
Jie Liang , Guangcun Shan , Yifei Sun

Catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP) is a promising technology that can allow the conversion of biomass into transportable fuels. Despite its advantages in terms of simplicity and economic efficiency, the CFP of biomass has not been commercially applied. One of the biggest challenges is the precise design of highly effective zeolite catalysts tailored for biomass CFP, and the structure–property relationship of the zeolites in biomass pyrolysis is yet to be fully understood. Therefore, this review describes the key role of zeolites in the CFP of lignocellulosic biomass. First, a brief introduction of the chemistry of biomass pyrolysis is included to provide a basic understanding of the requirements for catalysts employed in CFP. Characteristic zeolite parameters such as porosity, acidity, and porosityacidity interplay that can affect the biomass pyrolysis routes are summarized. Furthermore, to explore the next-generation catalysts, the catalytic behaviors of metal-loaded, hierarchical, layered, and nanosized zeolites in biomass CFP are discussed and evaluated. Unresolved issues in zeolite designing are also highlighted. Finally, perspectives on the future developments of zeolite catalysts for biomass CFP are presented.



