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Putting People Down and Pushing Them Out: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-012420-055606
Lilia M. Cortina 1 , Maira A. Areguin 1

Sexual harassment was once conceptualized solely as a sexual problem: coercive sexual advances that spring from natural feelings of sexual desire or romance. Research has since shown that by far the most common manifestation of sexual harassment is gender harassment, which has contempt at its core; this conduct aims to put people down and push them out, not pull them into sexual activity. With findings such as these, we have made many strides in the scientific study of sexual harassment. That body of scholarship is the focus of this article, which is organized around the following questions: What is sexual harassment, both behaviorally and legally? How common is this conduct in work organizations, and what are its consequences? What features of the social/organizational context raise the risk for sexual harassment? What are some promising (and not-so-promising) solutions to this pervasive problem? And finally, what are important directions for this area of research moving forward?



