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Rejecting Muslim or Christian religious practices in five West European countries: a case of discriminatory rejection?
Ethnic and Racial Studies ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-17 , DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1792525
Marija Dangubić 1 , Maykel Verkuyten 1 , Tobias H. Stark 1

ABSTRACT Rejection of Muslim religious practices in West European societies is typically explained by prejudicial feelings towards Muslims as a group. However, although people can oppose Muslim religious practices because they feel negatively towards Muslims as a group, they might also have more general reasons for doing so. By simultaneously considering multiple religious acts (wearing religious symbols and following religious education in public schools) and multiple religious actors (Muslims and Christians), we theoretically differentiate between individuals who apply a double-standard by rejecting Muslim but not Christian religious practices (discriminatory rejection) and those who reject practices independently of the religious group engaged in them (equal rejection). Among majority members in five West European countries, the findings support the existence of equal rejection next to discriminatory rejection with both patterns of responses having different associations with people's prejudices towards Muslim, their endorsement of civil liberties and secular values, and their religious affiliation.



摘要 西欧社会对穆斯林宗教习俗的拒绝通常是由对穆斯林作为一个群体的偏见来解释的。然而,尽管人们可以因为对穆斯林作为一个群体感到消极而反对穆斯林的宗教习俗,但他们也可能有更普遍的理由这样做。通过同时考虑多种宗教行为(佩戴宗教标志并在公立学校接受宗教教育)和多种宗教行为者(穆斯林和基督徒),我们在理论上区分了通过拒绝穆斯林而不是基督教宗教实践(歧视性拒绝)来应用双重标准的个人。 ) 和那些独立于宗教团体而拒绝实践的人(平等拒绝)。在五个西欧国家的多数成员中,