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Organizational Ambidexterity in Family-Managed Firms: The Role of Family Involvement in Top Management
Family Business Review ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0894486520961645
Nadine Kammerlander 1 , Holger Patzelt 2 , Judith Behrens 3 , Christian Röhm 2

Organizational ambidexterity is vital for family firms’ long-term success, yet we still lack sufficient insights into the role of family involvement in top management in this context. Building on research on family firm innovation and diversity, we argue there are curvilinear relationships between family involvement in top management and exploration, exploitation, and organizational ambidexterity. We further propose that these (inverse) U-shaped relationships are affected by family CEOs’ family-centered noneconomic goals. Multisource data on 109 family-managed firms support most of our hypotheses and provide a nuanced understanding of how diversity within top management affects family firms’ innovative behavior.



组织的二元性对于家族企业的长期成功至关重要,但我们仍然缺乏对家族参与在这种背景下在高层管理中的作用的充分洞察。基于对家族企业创新和多样性的研究,我们认为家族参与高层管理与探索、剥削和组织二元性之间存在曲线关系。我们进一步提出,这些(倒)U 形关系受到家族 CEO 以家族为中心的非经济目标的影响。109 家家族企业的多源数据支持了我们的大部分假设,并提供了对高层管理人员内部多元化如何影响家族企业创新行为的细致入微的理解。