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Light-responsive Au nanoclusters with oxidase-like activity for fluorescent detection of total antioxidant capacity
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125106
Pengjuan Ni , Siyuan Liu , Bo Wang , Chuanxia Chen , Yuanyuan Jiang , Chenghui Zhang , Jianbin Chen , Yizhong Lu

A fluorescent assay for total antioxidant capacity (TAC) detection based on the light-responsive oxidase-like activity of bovine serum albumin-stabilized gold nanoclusters (BSA-AuNCs) has been developed. Thiamine (TH) as the peroxidase substrate usually works at alkaline conditions and thus limits its practical applications. Here, by utilization the light-responsive oxidase-like activity of BSA-AuNCs, TH is oxidized to fluorescent thiochrome under neutral condition in two minutes due to the single oxygen generated by BSA-AuNCs upon light irradiation. After the introduction of antioxidants into the BSA-AuNCs-TH system, the formation of thiochrome is inhibited resulting in the fluorescence decrease. On the basis of the above facts, BSA-AuNCs-TH-based assay has been fabricated and applied successfully to detect antioxidants and the TAC of vitamin C tablets as well as some commercial fruit juice with satisfied results. This work may provide novel insights into developing light-responsive nanozymes-based fluorescent assays.



