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Great Power Management in International Society
The Chinese Journal of International Politics ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-27 , DOI: 10.1093/cjip/pow005
Shunji Cui , Barry Buzan

This article is a contribution to the English School’s theory of primary institutions. It offers an historical and structural enquiry into the meaning of great power management (GPM) as a primary institution of international society as it has evolved since the 18th century. We seek to uncover the driving forces that shape this primary institution, and how they are redefining its legitimacy in the 21st century. We are particularly interested in uncovering whether and how particular conditions in international systems/societies facilitate or obstruct the operation of GPM. The article examines how system structures, both material and ideational, have set different conditions for GPM. Using the evolution from traditional to non-traditional security as a template, it sets out the main functions that have evolved for GPM. It shows how the institution has different meanings and roles at different times, and how they play into the legitimacy that GPM requires. It considers how GPM works at both regional and global levels, and concludes by looking ahead at the prospects for GPM, and opening a discussion on how to relate GPM to global governance.



这篇文章是对英国学派小学机构理论的贡献。它提供了对大国管理(GPM)作为国际社会的主要机构的意义的历史和结构探究,因为它自 18 世纪以来已经演变。我们试图揭示塑造这一主要机构的驱动力,以及它们如何在 21 世纪重新定义其合法性。我们特别感兴趣的是揭示国际体系/社会中的特定条件是否以及如何促进或阻碍 GPM 的运作。本文考察了系统结构,包括物质的和概念的,如何为 GPM 设置不同的条件。以从传统安全到非传统安全的演进为模板,阐述了GPM演进的主要功能。它展示了机构在不同时期如何具有不同的意义和作用,以及它们如何发挥 GPM 所需的合法性。它考虑了 GPM 在区域和全球层面的运作方式,最后展望了 GPM 的前景,并开始讨论如何将 GPM 与全球治理联系起来。