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Plants under the Attack of Allies: Moving towards the Plant Pathobiome Paradigm
Plants ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.3390/plants10010125
Mohamed Mannaa , Young-Su Seo

Plants are functional macrobes living in a close association with diverse communities of microbes and viruses as complex systems that continuously interact with the surrounding environment. The microbiota within the plant holobiont serves various essential and beneficial roles, such as in plant growth at different stages, starting from seed germination. Meanwhile, pathogenic microbes—differentiated from the rest of the plant microbiome based on their ability to damage the plant tissues through transient blooming under specific conditions—are also a part of the plant microbiome. Recent advances in multi-omics have furthered our understanding of the structure and functions of plant-associated microbes, and a pathobiome paradigm has emerged as a set of organisms (i.e., complex eukaryotic, microbial, and viral communities) within the plant’s biotic environment which interact with the host to deteriorate its health status. Recent studies have demonstrated that the one pathogen–one disease hypothesis is insufficient to describe the disease process in many cases, particularly when complex organismic communities are involved. The present review discusses the plant holobiont and covers the steady transition of plant pathology from the one pathogen–one disease hypothesis to the pathobiome paradigm. Moreover, previous reports on model plant diseases, in which more than one pathogen or co-operative interaction amongst pathogenic microbes is implicated, are reviewed and discussed.


