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Responding to Crossover Youth: A Look Beyond Recidivism Outcomes
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1541204020922887
Emily M. Wright 1 , Ryan Spohn 2 , Michael Campagna 2

Crossover youth are involved in both child welfare and juvenile justice systems. The Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) promotes collaboration between these systems to inform decision making between the two agencies and better serve these youth. Yet, few outcome evaluations of the CYPM exist, especially those that assess outcomes beyond recidivism, such as case dispositions, case closure, or placement or living situations. This study examined whether the CYPM (n = 210) decreased recidivism and increased system/case responses and positive outcomes among youth within 9–18 months after the youth’s initial arrest relative to a comparison group of crossover youth (n = 425) who were arrested 1 year before the CYPM was implemented. Overall, the findings suggest that the CYPM in the jurisdiction under study dismisses or diverts crossover youth more often, closes delinquency cases more often, and leads to more home placements than was previously done in the jurisdiction, but it does not significantly reduce recidivism.



跨界青年参与儿童福利和少年司法系统。跨界青年实践模式(CYPM)促进了这些系统之间的协作,以为两个机构之间的决策提供依据,并更好地为这些青年服务。但是,很少有对CYPM进行结果评估的机构,尤其是那些评估累犯以外的结果的评估机构,例如案件处理,结案,安置或生活状况。本研究是否CYPM(Ñ = 210)的青年的初始相对于比较组交叉青年的阻滞(后再犯和增加的系统/情况响应和积极的结果9-18个月内下降青年中Ñ= 425)在CYPM实施前一年被捕。总体而言,研究结果表明,所研究辖区中的CYPM较以往更容易解雇或转移跨界青年,结案率更高,并提供更多的住房安置,但并没有显着降低累犯率。
