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Acetobacter orientalis XJC-C with a high lignocellulosic biomass-degrading ability improves significantly composting efficiency of banana residues by increasing metabolic activity and functional diversity of bacterial community
Bioresource Technology ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.124661
Yufeng Chen , Wei Wang , Dengbo Zhou , Bingyu Cai , Miaoyi Zhang , Dengfeng Qi , Tao Jing , Xiaoping Zang , Lu Zhang , Jianghui Xie

Banana residues are an important energy resource after fruit harvesting. The optionally dumping and burning causes severely environmental problems. Traditional compost efficiency was limited by lignocellulosic composition of banana residues. Inoculation with cellulase-producing microbes provides an efficient strategy for improving degradation of lignocellulosic materials. In our study, a newly isolated cellulolytic bacterium Acetobacter orientalis XJC-C with a salt and high temperature resistance was identified from a marine soft coral. By contrast, the strain can biodegrade different lignocellulosic agricultural residues, especially banana straw. The highest cellulolytic and ligninolytic enzyme activities were detected during composting at 40 days. Compared with the negative and positive control groups, the lignin degradation rate reached 76.24% in the A. orientalis XJC-C group, increased by 47.08% and 21.85%, respectively. Moreover, the strain improved significantly the metabolic activity and functional diversity of bacterial community. Hence, A. orientalis XJC-C will be a promising candidate for degrading lignocellulosic agricultural residues.



