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A Golgi-Targeting and Dual-Color “Turn-On” Probe for Spatially Precise Imaging of Furin
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c04186
Xiao Hu 1 , Zijuan Hai 2 , Chengfan Wu 1 , Wenjun Zhan 3 , Gaolin Liang 1, 3

Development of fluorescence probes for highly accurate detection of cancer-related enzyme activity is important in early cancer diagnosis. Herein, we report a Golgi-targeting and dual-color “Turn-On” probe Q-RVRR-DCM for imaging furin with high spatial precision. By integrating the principles of Förster resonance energy transfer and intramolecular charge transfer, the probe was designed to be non-fluorescent. Upon furin cleavage, Q-RVRR-DCM was converted into Q-RVRR and DCM-NH2, turning the dual fluorescence color “On” at 420 and 640 nm without spectral cross-talk. In furin-overexpressing HCT116 cells, Q-RVRR-DCM showed not only furin-specific, dual-color “Turn-On” fluorescence but also superior colocalization with a Golgi tracker than the single-color “Turn-On” probe RVRR-DCM. We envision that, with the excellent properties of Golgi-targeting and dual fluorescence color “Turn-On”, our furin probe Q-RVRR-DCM could be applied for accurate early diagnosis of cancer in the near future.



开发用于高精度检测癌症相关酶活性的荧光探针在早期癌症诊断中很重要。在这里,我们报告了高尔基体靶向和双色“打开”探针Q-RVRR-DCM,用于以高空间精度成像弗林蛋白酶。通过整合Förster共振能量转移和分子内电荷转移的原理,该探针被设计为非荧光的。弗林蛋白酶裂解后,Q-RVRR-DCM转化为Q-RVRRDCM-NH 2,在420和640 nm处将双荧光色“打开”,而没有光谱串扰。在过表达弗林蛋白酶的HCT116细胞中,Q-RVRR-DCM不仅显示了弗林蛋白酶特异性双色“ Turn-On”荧光,而且与单色“ Turn-On”探针RVRR-DCM相比,与高尔基跟踪仪的共定位性更高。我们设想,凭借高尔基体靶向和双荧光色“ Turn-On”的出色性能,我们的弗林蛋白酶探针Q-RVRR-DCM可以在不久的将来用于癌症的准确早期诊断。