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Reaction of Diphenyldiazomethane with Benzoic Acids in Batch and Continuous Flow
Journal of Chemical Education ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01044
Sihe Zhang 1 , Rui Xu 1 , Hui Zhu 1 , Ryan E. B. Kern 1 , Madison G. Spillman 2 , Evelyn S. Chen 2 , Yaxin Deng 2 , Shamy Shen 2 , Sohyun Kwag 2 , Elizabeth A. Clayton 2 , Mary M. Mendelsohn 2 , Azra N. Ozturk 2 , Amy E. Burnham 2 , Grace M. Erlinger 2 , John P. Pederson 2 , Carol Gelbaum 1 , Charles L. Liotta 1 , Pamela Pollet 1

As green chemistry and engineering are being integrated into chemical processes in academia and industry, it becomes equally important to equip students with the relevant tools in the fields of sustainable chemistry and processes. In this context, continuous flow technology has been identified as one of the promising strategies. Herein, we describe an approach which unites flow chemistry, undergraduate research, and chemical education research. Teams of undergraduate students designed, developed, validated, and implemented batch and flow experiments for an upper-level organic chemistry laboratory. The research to develop the experiment, which was part of an undergraduate research course (Vertically Integrated Project course, VIP), the pedagogic implementation, and the outcome in the instruction laboratory are reported.


