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Photosensitive binder jetting technique for the fabrication of alumina ceramic
Journal of Manufacturing Processes ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.12.011
Supalak Manotham , Somruethai Channasanon , Phornwalan Nanthananon , Siriporn Tanodekaew , Passakorn Tesavibul

The fabrication of ceramic using additive manufacturing has been a promising technique thanks to its abilities to form complex structures and customized shapes as well as to reduce wastes in comparison with conventional methods. Concerning the lithography-based technique, its limitation includes the deterioration of large-sized parts in fabrication process owing to the excessive amount of vaporized pressure caused by debinding of polymeric binder in ceramic slurries. Besides, the binder jetting technique involves more complexities due to the powder modification in preparation for the solidification by water-based binder. Photosensitive binder jetting techniques fabricate ceramic parts using an inkjet system to deposit photo-curable polymers onto ceramic powder bed with the shape of the parts. The binder is polymerized by the ultraviolet light to entrap the ceramic powder and form the three-dimensional object. The heat treatment process is then applied to remove the binder and sinter the part. In this research, the shrinkage, density, porosity, microstructures, mechanical properties, and printing patterns of ceramic alumina fabricated by the photosensitive binder jetting technique were investigated. The results reveal that the full printing sample exhibited the shrinkage of 11 %, the density of 39 %, the flexural strength of 1.04 MPa and the compressive strength of 1.78 MPa, whereas the checkerboard-patterned sample with 50 % reduction of printing area exhibited the density of 33 %, the flexural strength of 0.42 MPa and the compressive strength of 0.72 MPa. Through the medium of checkerboard-patterned printing with 50 % of binder’s quantity at core areas, this technique enables crack minimization in the fabrication of the large-sized part (60 mm in diameter and 30 mm in height). Furthermore, the additional modifications of ceramic powder are not required.



与传统方法相比,利用增材制造技术制造陶瓷已成为一项有前途的技术,因为它具有形成复杂结构和定制形状以及减少浪费的能力。关于基于光刻的技术,其局限性包括由于陶瓷浆料中聚合物粘合剂脱脂而导致的大量汽化压力,从而导致制造过程中大型零件的劣化。此外,由于在用水基粘合剂的固化准备中进行了粉末改性,因此粘合剂喷射技术涉及更多的复杂性。光敏粘合剂喷射技术使用喷墨系统制造陶瓷零件,以将光固化聚合物以零件的形状沉积到陶瓷粉末床上。粘合剂通过紫外线聚合以截留陶瓷粉末并形成三维物体。然后应用热处理工艺以去除粘合剂并烧结零件。在这项研究中,研究了通过光敏粘合剂喷射技术制备的陶瓷氧化铝的收缩率,密度,孔隙率,微结构,机械性能和印刷图案。结果表明,完整印刷样品的收缩率为11%,密度为39%,弯曲强度为1.04 MPa,抗压强度为1.78 MPa,而棋盘图案的样品印刷面积减少了50%。密度为33%,抗弯强度为0.42 MPa,抗压强度为0.72 MPa。通过在棋盘格图案化的印刷介质中,在核心区域使用粘合剂含量为50%的印刷技术,该技术可以在制造大型零件(直径60毫米,高度30毫米)时使裂纹最小化。此外,不需要陶瓷粉末的附加改性。
