增加的土壤流失和有用土地的稀缺性需要新的再利用策略。因此,恢复被污染的土壤提供了经济和社会再生的机会。为了这个目标,在过去的几十年中开发了不同的土壤清洁技术。一方面,可以找到有效的传统物理和/或化学技术,但是成本高昂,并且会对生态系统产生影响。另一方面,生物方法(例如植物修复,生物修复和蠕虫修复)相对具有成本效益和生态友好性,但也比较耗时。这些生物学方法及其产量已被广泛研究,但对不同土壤清洁方法之间的相互作用知之甚少。不同生物学策略的组合可以导致修复性能的提高。因此,在目前的工作中,对Gernika-Lumo(巴斯克地区)的污水污泥污染的垃圾填埋场采用了不同的微,湿润和植物修复组合,该垃圾填埋场几十年来一直被用作处置点,以寻求处理方法(单次治疗或联合治疗(双重或三次),具有最佳的修复效果。应用八个实验组(n = 3),分别放置earth(E),细菌(B),植物(P),细菌++(B + E),细菌+植物(B + P),植物+ ear(P + E)植物+细菌+ ear(P + B + E)和实验区(Landfill 17)中的未处理(NT)组,持续12个月。为了评估每种治疗的效率,在修复前后进行了完整的表征(化学和生态毒理学)。结果表明,在所有实验组中,狄氏剂的去除率都很高(介于50%和78%之间)。相反,重金属(Cd 15%-35%; Ni 24%-37%; Pb 15%-33%; Cr 7%-39%)和苯并(a)py的去除率约为20-25% (19.5%-28%)。在双重(P + E,B + E)和三次(P + B + E)处理中观察到最大的减少。在进行P + B + E处理后,获得了最佳的消除效果,这一点在对toxic,植物和细菌进行的一系列生态毒理学测试和生物测定中突显出来。铅15%-33%; Cr 7%-39%)和苯并(a)((19.5%-28%)。在双重(P + E,B + E)和三次(P + B + E)处理中观察到最大的减少。在进行P + B + E处理后,获得了最佳的消除效果,这一点在对toxic,植物和细菌进行的一系列生态毒理学测试和生物测定中突显出来。铅15%-33%; Cr 7%-39%)和苯并(a)((19.5%-28%)。在双重(P + E,B + E)和三次(P + B + E)处理中观察到最大的减少。在进行P + B + E处理后,获得了最佳的消除效果,这一点在对toxic,植物和细菌进行的一系列生态毒理学测试和生物测定中突显出来。
Application of in situ bioremediation strategies in soils amended with sewage sludges
Increasing soil loss and the scarcity of useful land requires new reusing strategies. Thus, recovery of polluted soils recovery offers a chance for economic and social regeneration. With this objective, different soil cleaning technologies have been developed during the last few decades. On one hand, classical physical and/or chemical technologies can be found which are efficient, but have high costs and impacts upon ecosystems. On the other hand, biological methods (such as phytoremediation, bioremediation and vermiremediation) are relatively cost effective and eco-friendly, but also more time-consuming. These biological methods and their yields have been widely studied but little is known about the interaction between different soil cleaning methods. The combination of different biological strategies could lead to an improvement in remediation performance. Hence, in the present work, different micro-, vermi- and phyto-remediation combinations are applied in a sewage sludge polluted landfill in Gernika-Lumo (Basque Country) which was used as a disposal point for decades, in search of the treatment (single) or combination (dual or triple) of treatments with best remediation yields. Eight experimental groups were applied (n=3) placing earthworms (E), bacteria (B), plants (P), bacteria+earthworms (B+E), bacteria+plants (B+P), plants+earthworms (P+E) plants+bacteria+earthworms (P+B+E) and a non-treated (N.T) group in the experimental plot (Landfill 17), for 12 months. In order to assess the efficiency of each treatment, a complete characterization (chemical and ecotoxicological) was carried out before and after remediation. Results showed high removal rates for dieldrin (between 50% and 78%) in all the experimental groups. In contrast, removal rates around 20-25% were achieved for heavy metals (Cd 15%-35%; Ni 24%-37%; Pb 15%-33%; Cr 7%-39%) and benzo(a)pyrene (19.5%-28%). The highest reductions were observed in dual (P+E, B+E) and triple (P+B+E) treatments. The best elimination yields were obtained after P+B+E treatment, as highlighted by the battery of ecotoxicological tests and bioassays performed with earthworms, plants and bacteria.