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“Stories that are worth spreading”
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.19037.nad
Nahla Nadeem 1

The present study aims to provide a conceptualization of how narratives function in TED talks. It uses Bamberg’s positioning theory as a theoretical framework to build a communicative model of TED Talk narratives. TED narratives are “small stories” that are told, indeed performed, in the presence of an audience and designed to accomplish particular rhetorical aims. The model specifically investigates (1) how genre features affect the design and rhetorical aims of TED talk narratives, (2) TED speaker’s narrative positioning and multi-modal narrative performance, (3) evidence of the audience’s engagement in the narrative and finally, (4) TED narratives as a scaffold for potential individual and social change. Using a multi-modal discourse analysis approach, the model is applied to the narratives used in Guy Winch’s TED Talk (Winch, 2015). The model provides an analytical tool for investigating the dynamic interaction and semiotic signaling involved in the communicative performance of TED Talk narratives.



本研究旨在提供叙事如何在 TED 演讲中发挥作用的概念化。它以班伯格的定位理论为理论框架,构建了 TED Talk 叙事的交际模型。TED 叙事是“小故事”,在观众面前讲述,实际上是在表演,旨在实现特定的修辞目标。该模型专门研究(1)流派特征如何影响 TED 谈话叙事的设计和修辞目标,(2)TED 演讲者的叙事定位和多模态叙事表现,(3)观众参与叙事的证据,最后,( 4) TED 叙述作为潜在的个人和社会变革的支架。使用多模态话语分析方法,将该模型应用于 Guy Winch 的 TED Talk(Winch,2015)中使用的叙述。