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Applying Internalised Source-culture Knowledge to Solve Cultural Translation Problems. A Quasi-experimental Study on the Translator's Acquisition of Cultural Competence
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2019.20.2.6
Christian Olalla-Soler 1

In this article, the ability to efficiently apply internalised source-culture knowledge when solving cultural translation problems is analysed at different stages of acquisition of the translator's cultural competence by means of a cross-sectional, quasi-experimental study. Thirty-eight BA students from the first through fourth year studying Translation and Interpreting at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, as well as ten professional translators participated in this investigation. The subjects' knowledge of German culture and their knowledge of a selection of cultural translation problems in a text were measured prior to its translation. The translation strategies employed by the subjects to solve these problems were recorded and classified using PACTE's (2017b) sequences of actions. The quality of the subjects' solutions to the cultural translation problems of the text was assessed with PACTE's (2017a) acceptability index. These data were combined to compute the source-culture knowledge application index. Results show that the students in all cohorts preferred to utilise information-seeking strategies even when they possessed cultural knowledge about a specific cultural translation problem, while the professional translators in this study were able to apply their internalised source-culture knowledge. The solutions proposed by both the translation students and the professional translators were of a higher quality when internalised source-culture knowledge was applied.



在本文中,通过横断面的准实验研究,分析了译者在获得文化能力的不同阶段,在解决文化翻译问题时有效应用内化源文化知识的能力。38 名在巴塞罗那自治大学学习翻译和口译的大一到四年级的 BA 学生以及 10 名专业翻译人员参与了本次调查。在翻译之前测量受试者对德国文化的了解以及他们对文本中选择的文化翻译问题的了解。使用 PACTE (2017b) 的动作序列记录和分类受试者为解决这些问题而采用的翻译策略。受试者的质量 使用 PACTE (2017a) 可接受性指数评估文本文化翻译问题的解决方案。将这些数据结合起来计算源文化知识应用指数。结果表明,所有队列的学生即使拥有有关特定文化翻译问题的文化知识,也更愿意使用信息搜索策略,而本研究中的专业翻译人员能够应用他们内化的源文化知识。在应用内化源文化知识的情况下,翻译学生和专业翻译人员提出的解决方案质量更高。结果表明,所有队列的学生即使拥有有关特定文化翻译问题的文化知识,也更愿意使用信息搜索策略,而本研究中的专业翻译人员能够应用他们内化的源文化知识。在应用内化源文化知识的情况下,翻译学生和专业翻译人员提出的解决方案质量更高。结果表明,所有队列的学生即使拥有有关特定文化翻译问题的文化知识,也更愿意使用信息搜索策略,而本研究中的专业翻译人员能够应用他们内化的源文化知识。在应用内化源文化知识的情况下,翻译学生和专业翻译人员提出的解决方案质量更高。