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A preliminary scale for assessing translators’ self-efficacy
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2018.19.1.3
Alicia Bolaños-Medina 1 , Juan L. Núñez 2

Although applied self-efficacy research currently offers some promising avenues of study for Translatology (Jimenez Ivars and Pinazo Calatayud 2001; Atkinson 2012; Bolanos-Medina 2014), no specific translation self-efficacy scale (TSE) with adequate psychometric properties has been devised until now. The purpose of this study is, on the one hand, to develop a scale for assessing translators’ self-efficacy following the recommended standard guidelines (Bandura 2006) and a rigorous statistical testing process which will allow us to determine its factor structure and psychometric properties in undergraduate students (n = 74). On the other hand, by doing so, we will also illustrate the process of developing psychometric instruments specifically designed for cognitive, empirical-experimental research in Translatology, in order to promote more efforts in this direction within our discipline. A conceptual analysis of the relevant domain of functioning was performed and a preliminary pool of 52 items was initiall...



尽管应用自我效能研究目前为翻译学提供了一些有前景的研究途径(Jimenez Ivars 和 Pinazo Calatayud 2001;Atkinson 2012;Bolanos-Medina 2014),但直到现在。一方面,本研究的目的是根据推荐的标准指南(Bandura 2006)和严格的统计测试过程开发一个评估译员自我效能的量表,这将使我们能够确定其因素结构和心理测量特性本科生 (n = 74)。另一方面,通过这样做,我们还将说明开发专门为翻译学中的认知、经验-实验研究设计的心理测量工具的过程,为了促进我们学科内朝着这个方向做出更多努力。对相关功能领域进行了概念分析,并初步建立了 52 个项目的初步库...