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Predictive Role of Classroom Management in Literacy Development in Preschool Children at Risk of EBD
Behavioral Disorders ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-20 , DOI: 10.1177/0198742920972322
Jason C. Chow 1 , Kristen L. Granger 2 , Michael D. Broda 2 , Nicole Peterson 2

The purpose of this study was to better understand the association between teachers’ incoming classroom management skills and end-of-year literacy skills of preschool children with or at risk of emotional and behavioral disorders. Furthermore, we explored the contribution of student’s incoming engagement and communication skills to end-of-year literacy skills. A series of multilevel models revealed that teacher classroom management predicted end-of-year letter sound fluency, but not letter naming fluency, after controlling for other factors. We conclude with a discussion of these preliminary findings and provide suggestions for future research and practice in early intervention settings.



