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Place Matters: A Critical Review of Place Inquiry and Spatial Methods in Education Research
Review of Research in Education ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.3102/0091732x20903303
Alisha Butler 1 , Kristin A. Sinclair 2

Place is an inescapable aspect of daily life and is intimately linked to our life experiences. An expanding body of research has investigated how place shapes the “geography of opportunity” as well as students’, families’, and stakeholders’ experiences in and around schools. While researchers have begun to investigate the spatial context of education, the notion of place remains somewhat underconceptualized in education research. This chapter draws on an interdisciplinary review of 60 empirical, education-related studies to understand how researchers have accounted for place, the theoretical and conceptual frames in which they ground their work, and their data collection methods. We find that researchers have used place inquiry and spatial methods to investigate diverse education-related phenomena, such as school choice and teaching and learning. Beyond using place to identify and describe inequalities, we argue that place inquiry and spatial methodologies can strengthen the potential of education research to disrupt systems of power and oppression by also advancing our knowledge of the nature of and potential solutions to educational injustice.



地方是日常生活中不可避免的一个方面,与我们的生活经历密切相关。越来越多的研究调查了地方如何塑造“机会地理”以及学生、家庭和利益相关者在学校内外的体验。虽然研究人员已经开始研究教育的空间背景,但地方的概念在教育研究中仍然有些欠缺概念。本章借鉴了对 60 项与教育相关的实证研究的跨学科评论,以了解研究人员如何解释位置、他们工作所依据的理论和概念框架以及他们的数据收集方法。我们发现研究人员已经使用地方探究和空间方法来调查各种与教育相关的现象,例如学校选择和教学。