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Metaphor and Symbol ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10926488.2020.1712781
Randy Allen Harris 1

ABSTRACT Ploke, the scheme of perfect lexical repetition, is utterly fundamental to language and thought. If that sounds like someone talking about metaphor, it is because ploke is to schemes as metaphor is to tropes. Like metaphor, ploke is the linguistic reflex of a neurocognitive pattern bias (repetition to metaphor’s similitude). Like metaphor, ploke is not a single figure but many (epanaphora, epiphora and epizeuxis, for instance, to metaphor’s personification, anthropomorphism, and reification). Like metaphor, there are “dead” ploke as well as live ploke (for instance, the number of repeated instances of ploke and metaphor in this abstract that likely escaped your figurative notice, just as leg of a table and head of lettuce regularly escape our figurative notice). Like metaphor, the processes that give rise to ploke, are also highly productive – in word formation, in the acquisition and dissolution of language, in construction and idiom formation, in large patterns of thought and discourse, often leveraging iconicities (the principle of quantity and the principle of identity). I offer each of these analogies to support the superordinate analogy, Ploke : Scheme :: Metaphor : Trope, and argue for the centrality of this neglected figure.



摘要 Ploke 是完美的词汇重复方案,是语言和思想的基础。如果这听起来像是有人在谈论隐喻,那是因为 ploke 之于计划,正如隐喻之于比喻。与隐喻一样,ploke 是神经认知模式偏见(对隐喻的相似性的重复)的语言反射。像隐喻一样,ploke 不是一个单一的图形,而是许多图形(例如,epanaphora、epiphora 和epizeuxis,对隐喻的拟人化、拟人化和具体化)。像隐喻一样,有“死”和活的 ploke(例如,在这个摘要中重复的 ploke 和隐喻实例的数量可能逃过了你的比喻注意,就像桌子的腿和生菜的头经常逃过我们的比喻通知)。就像隐喻一样,引起骚动的过程,在构词、语言的习得和分解、结构和习语的形成、思想和话语的大模式中,经常利用象似性(数量原则和同一性原则)。我提供这些类比中的每一个来支持上级类比,Ploke : Scheme :: Metaphor : Trope,并论证这个被忽视的人物的中心地位。