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Assessing student-writers’ self-efficacy beliefs about text revision in EFL writing
Assessing Writing ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.asw.2019.03.002
Jing Chen , Lawrence Jun Zhang

Abstract This research proposed and examined a two-factor structure of self-efficacy beliefs about text revision in English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) contexts. The Second Language Text Revision Self-Efficacy Scale (L2TRSS) was developed and scrutinised; exploratory factor analyses of the responses of 446 EFL learners and a subsequent confirmatory factor analysis with a different sample of 310 participants resulted in a 17-item scale with two factors: (1) self-efficacy beliefs about high-level text revision and (2) self-efficacy beliefs about low-level text revision. Factor analyses combined with model comparisons substantiated the two-factor structure of self-efficacy beliefs, in which the two factors were conceptually interrelated with one another. Scores for each subscale of the L2TRSS were examined in relation to writing test scores and frequencies of revisions marked on the texts. Results showed that self-efficacy beliefs about text revision had weak, positive correlations with writing test scores. However, there was a lack of evidence for the relations between subscale scores of the L2TRSS and frequencies of revisions in different categories. Possible reasons for this lack of significant relationship were discussed. Theoretical implications of the research findings and potential applications of the L2TRSS in classrooms and beyond for assessing EFL learners’ self-efficacy beliefs about text revision are also explored.


评估学生作家对 EFL 写作中文本修改的自我效能信念

摘要 本研究提出并检验了关于英语作为外语 (EFL) 语境中文本修订的自我效能信念的两因素结构。开发并审查了第二语言文本修订自我效能量表 (L2TRSS);对 446 名 EFL 学习者的反应进行探索性因素分析,随后对 310 名参与者的不同样本进行验证性因素分析,得出了一个 17 项的量表,其中包含两个因素:(1)关于高级文本修订的自我效能信念和(2 )关于低级文本修订的自我效能信念。因素分析结合模型比较证实了自我效能信念的双因素结构,其中两个因素在概念上相互关联。L2TRSS 的每个子量表的分数都根据写作测试分数和文本上标记的修订频率进行了检查。结果表明,关于文本修改的自我效能信念与写作考试成绩呈弱正相关。然而,缺乏证据表明 L2TRSS 的分量表分数与不同类别的修订频率之间存在关系。讨论了这种缺乏重要关系的可能原因。还探讨了 L2TRSS 在课堂内外的研究结果和潜在应用对评估 EFL 学习者关于文本修改的自我效能信念的理论意义。L2TRSS 的分量表分数与不同类别的修订频率之间的关系缺乏证据。讨论了这种缺乏重要关系的可能原因。还探讨了 L2TRSS 在课堂内外的研究结果和潜在应用对评估 EFL 学习者关于文本修改的自我效能信念的理论意义。L2TRSS 的分量表分数与不同类别的修订频率之间的关系缺乏证据。讨论了这种缺乏重要关系的可能原因。还探讨了 L2TRSS 在课堂内外的研究结果和潜在应用对评估 EFL 学习者关于文本修改的自我效能信念的理论意义。