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Subutai: Speeding Up Legacy Parallel Applications Through Data Synchronization
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1109/tpds.2020.3040066
Rodrigo Cataldo , Ramon Fernandes , Kevin J. M. Martin , Jarbas Silveira , Gustavo Sanchez , Johanna Sepulveda , Cesar Marcon , Jean-Phillipe Diguet

The decrease of the performance gain dictated by Moore's Law boosted the development of manycore architectures to replace single-core architectures. These new architectures must employ parallel applications and distribute its workload over a multitude of cores to reach the desired performance. Parallel applications are harder to develop than sequential ones since the developer must guarantee data integrity using synchronization primitives. While multiple novel solutions have been proposed to speed up parallel applications through handling one type of data synchronization primitive, exceptionally few works support multiple types of synchronization primitives and legacy code. This article proposes Subutai, a hardware/software co-design solution for accelerating multiple synchronization primitives without modifying the application source code. By providing a new user library, while retaining an existing synchronization API, legacy and novel applications can benefit from our solution. Our experimental evaluation, which provides a POSIX Threads implementation, demonstrates Subutai speeds up to 2.71× and 4.61× the execution of single- and multiple-application executions, respectively.



摩尔定律规定的性能增益的下降促进了众核架构的发展以取代单核架构。这些新架构必须采用并行应用程序并将其工作负载分配到多个内核上才能达到所需的性能。并行应用程序比顺序应用程序更难开发,因为开发人员必须使用同步原语保证数据完整性。虽然已经提出了多种新颖的解决方案来通过处理一种类型的数据同步原语来加速并行应用程序,但支持多种类型的同步原语和遗留代码的工作异常少。本文提出了 Subutai,一种硬件/软件协同设计解决方案,用于在不修改应用程序源代码的情况下加速多个同步原语。通过提供新的用户库,同时保留现有的同步 API,旧版和新颖的应用程序都可以从我们的解决方案中受益。我们的实验评估提供了 POSIX 线程实现,表明 Subutai 将单应用程序执行速度和多应用程序执行速度分别提高了 2.71 倍和 4.61 倍。