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A rice tubulin tyrosine ligase‐like 12 protein affects the dynamic and orientation of microtubules
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13059
Kunxi Zhang 1 , Xin Zhu 1 , Steffen Durst 1 , Petra Hohenberger 1 , Min-Jung Han 2 , Gynheung An 3 , Vaidurya P Sahi 1 , Michael Riemann 1 , Peter Nick 1

The detyrosination/retyrosination cycle is the most common post‐translational modification of α‐tubulin. Removal of the conserved C‐terminal tyrosine of α‐tubulin by a still elusive tubulin tyrosine carboxypeptidase, and religation of this tyrosine by a tubulin tyrosine ligase (TTL), are probably common to all eukaryotes. Interestingly, for plants, the only candidates qualifying as potential TTL homologs are the tubulin tyrosine ligase‐like 12 proteins. To get insight into the biological functions of these potential TTL homologs, we cloned the rice TTL‐like 12 protein (OsTTLL12) and generated overexpression OsTTLL12‐RFP lines in both rice and tobacco BY‐2 cells. We found, unexpectedly, that overexpression of this OsTTLL12‐RFP increased the relative abundance of detyrosinated α‐tubulin in both coleoptile and seminal root, correlated with more stable microtubules. This was independent of the respective orientation of cortical microtubule, and followed by correspondingly changing growth of coleoptiles and seminal roots. A perturbed organization of phragmoplast microtubules and disoriented cell walls were further characteristics of this phenotype. Thus, the elevated tubulin detyrosination in consequence of OsTTLL12 overexpression affects structural and dynamic features of microtubules, followed by changes in the axiality of cell plate deposition and, consequently, plant growth.



去酪氨酸化/再酪氨酸化循环是α-微管蛋白最常见的翻译后修饰。通过仍然难以捉摸的微管蛋白酪氨酸羧肽酶去除α微管蛋白的保守 C 端酪氨酸,并通过微管蛋白酪氨酸连接酶 (TTL) 重新连接该酪氨酸,可能是所有真核生物所共有的。有趣的是,对于植物来说,唯一有资格作为潜在 TTL 同系物的候选蛋白是微管蛋白酪氨酸连接酶样 12 蛋白。为了深入了解这些潜在 TTL 同源物的生物学功能,我们克隆了水稻 TTL 样 12 蛋白 (OsTTLL12),并在水稻和烟草 BY-2 细胞中生成了过表达 OsTTLL12-RFP 系。我们出乎意料地发现,OsTTLL12-RFP 的过度表达增加了胚芽鞘和种子根中去酪氨酸化α-微管蛋白的相对丰度,与更稳定的微管相关。这与皮质微管各自的方向无关,随后胚芽鞘和种子根的生长发生相应变化。成膜体微管的紊乱组织和细胞壁的定向紊乱是该表型的进一步特征。因此,OsTTLL12 过表达导致微管蛋白脱酪氨酸升高,影响微管的结构和动态特征,进而改变细胞板沉积的轴向性,从而影响植物生长。