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Can a simple, short-term memory task help to screen dyslexia?
Current Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s12144-019-00568-4
Nick Perham , Toni Howell , Andy Watt

Funding to support students with dyslexia in post-compulsory education is under pressure and more efficient assessments may offset some of this shortfall. We tested potential tasks for screening dyslexia: recall of adjective-noun, compared to noun-adjective, pairings (syntax) and recall of high versus low frequency letter pairings (bigrams). Students who reported themselves as dyslexic failed to show a normal syntax effect (greater recall of adjective-noun compared to noun-adjective pairings) and no significant difference in recall between the two types of bigrams whereas students who were not dyslexic showed the syntax effect and a bias towards recalling high frequency bigrams. Findings are consistent with recent explanations of dyslexia suggesting that those affected find it difficult to learn and utilise sequential long-term order information (Szmalec et al. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 37(5) ,1270-1279, 2011). Further, ROC curve analyses revealed both tasks showed acceptable diagnostic properties as they were able to discriminate between the two groups of participants.



