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High-quality efficient anti-reflection nanopillar structures layer prepared by a new type vibration-assisted UV nanoimprint lithography
Journal of Manufacturing Processes ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.11.028
Yan Gu , Si Chen , Jieqiong Lin , HongYu Xu , XianYao Li

In order to effectively improve the filling rate of photoresist, a non-resonant vibration-assisted UV nanoimprint lithography (NRVA-NIL) is proposed to prepare the AR layer. The vibration by piezoelectric driven is applied below the photoresist layer, and increase the area of the photoresist contacting the sidewall of nanostructures and reduce the surface tension to a certain extent. To verify the rationality of introducing vibration a new motion model is built and the effect of frequency and amplitude with filling rate is qualitative analyzed by FVM for experiments. Then, the transferred pattern is observed by experiment. The anti-reflection nanopillar structures layer prepared by the new type vibration-assisted UV nanoimprint lithography has the better surface morphology and higher filling rate. The filling rate of photoresist increases by 39 % compared to the traditional nanoimprint lithography without vibration, which can effectively reduce the reflectivity of incident light and increase the absorption. The reflectivity of AR layer prepared by NRVA-NIL is reduced by 68 % compared by other processing methods. As a result, the power conversion efficiency of solar cells with AR layer is improved by 21.07 % compared to the bare solar cells. In addition, due to the increased contact angle caused by the nano-pattern, the surface with AR nanopilliar structures layer exhibits hydrophobicity. The enhanced hydrophobicity provides additional self-cleaning capabilities for AR layer.



