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Chitosan packaging functionalized with Cinnamodendron dinisii essential oil loaded zein: A proposal for meat conservation
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.12.093
Leandra Oliveira Xavier , William Gustavo Sganzerla , Gabriel Bachega Rosa , Cleonice Gonçalves da Rosa , Lenita Agostinetto , Ana Paula de Lima Veeck , Lizandra Czermainski Bretanha , Gustavo Amadeu Micke , Murilo Dalla Costa , Fabiano Cleber Bertoldi , Pedro Luiz Manique Barreto , Michael Ramos Nunes

The nanoencapsulation of essential oils for biodegradable films functionalization is a viable alternative for the production of active food packaging. In this study, the Cinnamodendron dinisii Schwanke essential oil was nanoencapsulated using zein as wall material, and applied in chitosan matrix to produce an active nanocomposite film packaging for food conservation. The chemical composition of the Cinnamodendron dinisii Schwanke essential oil showed a variety of unexplored bioactive compounds, and 1,8-cineole was the major compound. The oil nanoencapsulation produced stable and homogeneous nanoparticles with zeta potential close to 30 mV and polydispersity index lower than 0.2. The nanoparticles size showed a size variation between 70 and 110 nm. The chitosan films obtained functionalized with nanoparticles demonstrated antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity. The active packaging containing zein nanoparticles was efficient in the conservation of ground beef, stabilizing the deterioration reactions and preserving the color.



用于生物可降解薄膜功能化的精油的纳米囊封法是生产活性食品包装的可行替代方法。在这项研究中,以玉米醇溶蛋白为壁材料将肉桂丁香施万克精油进行纳米囊封,然后将其应用于壳聚糖基质中,以生产用于食品保存的活性纳米复合膜包装。肉桂粉的化学成分Schwanke精油显示出多种未开发的生物活性化合物,而1,8-桉树脑是主要化合物。油纳米封装产生稳定且均质的纳米粒子,其ζ电势接近30 mV,多分散指数低于0.2。纳米颗粒的尺寸显示出在70至110nm之间的尺寸变化。获得的被纳米颗粒官能化的壳聚糖膜表现出抗氧化活性和抗微生物活性。包含玉米醇溶蛋白纳米颗粒的活性包装在牛肉末的保存,稳定变质反应和保留颜色方面是有效的。
