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Exploring rhetoric of public diplomacy in the mixed-motive situation: Using the case of President Obama's ‘nuclear-free world’ speech in Prague
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2010-12-10 , DOI: 10.1057/pb.2010.31
Juyan Zhang

Within the theoretical framework of the mixed-motive model of public relations, this case study of President Obama's speech in Prague, calling for ‘a world without nuclear weapons’, analyzes the dynamics of rhetoric of public diplomacy in the mixed-motive situation. The analysis shows that the speech presented a two-way symmetrical worldview. At the same time, it made asymmetrical advocacy by stressing the US leadership, continuing the containment theme and justifying the continued possession of the nuclear arsenals by the United States, corroborating the mixed-motive model's assumption of divided loyalty. To reduce the tensions caused by such mixed motives, the speech presented a constructivist worldview that emphasized on the power of ideas, morality, norms and the possibility of change. Its emphasis on the long-term nature of the cause echoed Grunig's (2001) argument that in the mixed-motive model asymmetrical tactics may be used within the win-win zone because such practices are bounded by a symmetrical worldview that ‘respects long-term relationships’. In the speech, President Obama mostly relied on ethos to make his call credible. Pathos is the second major rhetorical strategy by appealing to fear and shame. The least used appeal is logos. The varied weight of the appeals revealed potential rhetorical strategies in a mixed-motive situation. The findings of the research confirm Gilboa's (2008) argument that application of the constructivism approach to public diplomacy may produce fresh insights. This research contributes to the research in the Excellence Theory and public diplomacy.


