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New Research on the “Kings of Metal”: Systems of Social Distinction in the Copper Age of Southeastern Europe
Journal of Archaeological Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10814-019-09132-x
Florian Klimscha

This paper discusses the degree of social complexity in southeastern Europe in the fifth millennium BC and presents previously unreported evidence from the tell societies of the Lower Danube. Based on the analysis of stone, flint, and copper axes of various types from Pietrele in southern Romania, I argue that social distinction, as deduced from the Varna cemetery, also can be identified in contemporary neighboring regions with poorer burial rituals. In these societies, some members distinguished themselves by their access and accumulation of prestigious items, with a special emphasis on axes, adzes, and shaft-hole axes. This socioeconomic constellation was ideal for the adoption of metallurgy, which was considerably developed for the production of prestigious axe heads. These, in turn, stimulated innovation in other crafts and materials. Distribution patterns, source-critical consideration, and new excavation results indicate that the social order visible in the cemetery of Varna was not limited to the western Black Sea coast but was shared by neighboring communities, where the social reality was masked in seemingly egalitarian funeral rites. Through this discussion, I also bring in recent evidence for early metallurgy in southwestern Asia.


