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Interactions of a Diplumbyne with Dinuclear Transition Metal Carbonyls to Afford Metalloplumbylenes
Organometallics ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-04 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.0c00659
Qihao Zhu 1 , James C. Fettinger 1 , Petra Vasko 2 , Philip P. Power 1

The metathesis reactions of the diplumbyne AriPr6PbPbAriPr6 (AriPr6 = −C6H3–2,6-(C6H2–2,4,6-iPr3)2) with the dinuclear metal carbonyls Mn2(CO)10, Fe2(CO)9, and Co2(CO)8 under mild conditions afforded the complexes Mn(CO)5(PbAriPr6) (1), Fe(CO)4(PbAriPr6)2 (2), and Co4(CO)9(PbAriPr6)2 (3), respectively. Complexes 13 were structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectroscopically characterized by 1H, 13C{1H}, 59Co{1H}, and 207Pb{1H} NMR; UV–vis; and IR methods. They are rare examples of species formed by the direct reaction of a group 14 dimetallyne with transition metal carbonyls. Complexes 1 and 2 feature Mn–Pb or Fe–Pb single bonds, whereas in 3 a Co–Pb cluster is formed in which the plumbylidyne moiety bridges either an edge or a face of a Co4 carbonyl cluster.


Diplumbyne与双核过渡金属羰基与Afford Metalloplumbylenes的相互作用

双斜by Ar i Pr 6 PbPbArAr i Pr 6(Ar i Pr 6 = -C 6 H 3 –2,6-(C 6 H 2 –2,4,6- i Pr 32)的复分解反应在温和条件下,双核金属羰基金属Mn 2(CO)10,Fe 2(CO)9和Co 2(CO)8提供了配合物Mn(CO)5(PbAr i Pr 6)(1),Fe(CO)4(PbAr i Pr 622)和Co 4(CO)9(PbAr i Pr 623)。配合物13进行了结构表征通过单晶X射线衍射和由具有特征光谱1 H,13 C {1 1个H},59钴{ 1个H},和207的Pb { 11 H NMR; 紫外线可见 和IR方法。它们是由第14组双金属亚甲基与过渡金属羰基直接反应形成的物种的稀有实例。配合物12具有Mn–Pb或Fe–Pb单键,而在3中形成了Co–Pb团簇,其中李二炔部分桥接了Co 4羰基团簇的边缘或表面。