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Teaching clinical handover with ISBAR
BMC Medical Education ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02285-0
Annette Burgess 1, 2 , Christie van Diggele 2, 3 , Chris Roberts 1, 2 , Craig Mellis 4

Clinical handover is one of the most critical steps in a patient’s journey and is a core skill that needs to be taught to health professional students and junior clinicians. Performed well, clinical handover should ensure that lapses in continuity of patient care, errors and harm are reduced in the hospital or community setting. Handover, however, is often poorly performed, with critical detail being omitted and irrelevant detail included. Evidence suggests that the use of a structured, standardised framework for handover, such as ISBAR, improves patient outcomes. The ISBAR (Introduction, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) framework, endorsed by the World Health Organisation, provides a standardised approach to communication which can be used in any situation. In the complex clinical environment of healthcare today, ISBAR is suited to a wide range of clinical contexts, and works best when all parties are trained in using the same framework. It is essential that healthcare leaders and professionals from across the health disciplines work together to ensure good clinical handover practices are developed and maintained. Organisations, including universities and hospitals, need to invest in the education and training of health professional students and health professionals to ensure good quality handover practice. Using ISBAR as a framework, the purpose of this paper is to highlight key elements of effective clinical handover, and to explore teaching techniques that aim to ensure the framework is embedded in practice effectively.


与 ISBAR 一起进行临床交接教学

临床交接是患者旅程中最关键的步骤之一,也是需要向卫生专业学生和初级临床医生教授的核心技能。如果临床交接工作表现良好,应确保医院或社区环境中减少患者护理连续性的失误、错误和伤害。然而,切换往往执行得很差,关键的细节被忽略,而无关的细节也被包含在内。有证据表明,使用结构化、标准化的移交框架(例如 ISBAR)可以改善患者的治疗效果。ISBAR(简介、情况、背景、评估、建议)框架得到了世界卫生组织的认可,提供了一种可在任何情况下使用的标准化沟通方法。在当今复杂的医疗保健临床环境中,ISBAR 适合广泛的临床环境,并且当所有各方接受使用相同框架的培训时效果最佳。医疗保健领导者和来自各个卫生学科的专业人员必须共同努力,以确保制定和维持良好的临床交接实践。包括大学和医院在内的组织需要投资于卫生专业学生和卫生专业人员的教育和培训,以确保良好的质量交接实践。本文的目的是使用 ISBAR 作为框架,强调有效临床交接的关键要素,并探索旨在确保该框架有效嵌入实践的教学技术。