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Fast Synthesis of CeO2 Nanoparticles in a Continuous Microreactor Using Deep Eutectic Reline As Solvent
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c06949
Antonio Jose Exposito 1 , Patrick J. Barrie 1 , Laura Torrente-Murciano 1

Hydrothermal methods have conventionally enabled the synthesis of a wide range of nanomaterials. However, these simple, single-step syntheses lack scalability due to the need of high temperatures and autogenous pressures to enable the dissolution of reagents and crystallization of the product. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time fast continuous synthesis of ceria nanoparticles at moderate conditions through the combination of the deep eutectic solvent reline (an eutectic mixture of choline chloride and urea) as reaction medium and the high heat and mass transfer rate offered by microreactors. Almost 100% yields are obtained within 100 s of residence time at 160 °C, with some conversion achieved even at temperatures as low as 120 °C. Such rapid synthesis takes place thanks to the molecular structure of the solvent which facilitates the fast nucleation of cerium oxycarbonate as an intermediate product. As expected in a kinetically controlled system, pressure and initial cerium concentration have negligible effects on the yield obtained. The rapid reaction, the cheap, benign, and environmentally friendly solvent, and the lack of additional additives in this work opens the door to sustainable large-scale continuous synthesis of ceria nanoparticles as well as other nanostructured materials.


用深共晶线作为溶剂在连续微反应器中快速合成CeO 2纳米粒子

传统上,水热法能够合成多种纳米材料。然而,由于需要高温和自生压力以使试剂溶解和产物结晶,这些简单的单步合成方法缺乏可扩展性。在这项工作中,我们首次证明了通过将深共熔溶剂线(氯化胆碱和尿素的低共熔混合物)作为反应介质以及所提供的高传热和传质速率的组合,在中等条件下快速连续合成二氧化铈纳米粒子通过微反应器。在160°C的停留时间内100 s内可获得近100%的产率,即使在低至120°C的温度下也可获得一定的转化率。由于溶剂的分子结构而实现了这种快速合成,溶剂的分子结构促进了作为中间产物的碳酸氧铈的快速成核。正如在动力学控制系统中所预期的那样,压力和铈的初始浓度对所得收率的影响可忽略不计。快速的反应,廉价,有益和环保的溶剂,以及这项工作中缺少其他添加剂,为可持续地大规模连续合成氧化铈纳米粒子以及其他纳米结构材料打开了大门。