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A Ce/Ru Codoped SrFeO3−δ Perovskite for a Coke-Resistant Anode of a Symmetrical Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c03554
Bangxin Li 1 , Shuai He 2 , Jibiao Li 3, 4 , Xiangling Yue 2 , John T.S. Irvine 1, 2 , Deti Xie 1, 5 , Jiupai Ni 1, 5 , Chengsheng Ni 1, 5

Employment of identical oxides for the cathode and anode in a symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell (SSOFC) is beneficial for decreasing the fabrication costs of a robust cell. Ce doping on the A site of SrFeO3 increased the structural stability in a reducing atmosphere, but ceria was found to exsolve from the perovskite during the cooling process in the air if the doping level reached 20 atom %. The additional doping of 5 atom % Ru in Sr0.8Ce0.2FeO3 on the Fe site could prevent the ceria segregation in air and induce the surface decomposition under fuel conditions for the formation of nanoscale SrO, CeO2, and Ru0. The SSOFC with Ce/Ru codoped SrFeO3 on a Sr- and Mg-doped LaGaO3 electrolyte showed a small Rp value (0.12 Ω cm2) when H2 and ambient air were used as fuel and oxidant, respectively. The peak power densities of 846 and 310 mW cm–2 were achieved at 800 °C using H2 and C3H8 as fuel, respectively. The excellent coke resistance of the anode could be related to the simultaneous in situ exsolution of CeO2, SrO, and Ru0 nanoparticles.


Ce / Ru共掺杂SrFeO3 钙钛矿用于对称固体氧化物燃料电池的耐焦炭阳极

在对称固体氧化物燃料电池(SSOFC)中为阴极和阳极使用相同的氧化物有利于降低坚固型电池的制造成本。Ce在SrFeO 3 A位点上的掺杂增加了在还原性气氛中的结构稳定性,但是如果掺杂水平达到20原子%,则在空气中冷却过程中发现二氧化铈从钙钛矿中溶解。在Fe位点上的Sr 0.8 Ce 0.2 FeO 3中额外掺杂5原子%Ru可以防止二氧化铈在空气中偏析,并在燃料条件下诱导表面分解,形成纳米级SrO,CeO 2和Ru 0。具有Ce / Ru共掺杂SrFeO 3的SSOFC当分别使用H 2和环境空气作为燃料和氧化剂时,在Sr和Mg掺杂的LaGaO 3上的电解质显示出较小的R p值(0.12Ωcm 2)。使用H 2和C 3 H 8作为燃料,在800°C时分别达到846和310 mW cm -2的峰值功率密度。阳极优异的耐焦炭性可能与CeO 2,SrO和Ru 0纳米粒子的同时原位析出有关。