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Design of a Suspended Stripline Dual-Band Band-Stop Filter Loaded With Short-Ended Waveguide Stubs Embedded in the Metal Housing
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2020.3023300
Ze Yu , Liqiang Xu , Changjun Liu

This letter presents a novel dual-band band-stop filter (DBBSF) based on suspended stripline (SSL) with short-ended waveguide stubs on its metal housing. A short-ended waveguide stub embedded transversally in the metal housing of the SSL has been shown to introduce independent transmission zeros. It is mostly suitable for high harmonic depression. This letter describes a band-stop filter with four short-ended waveguide stubs around a center frequency of 12.5 GHz. A U-shaped slot in the SSL forms a resonator and provides an additional independent stopband. We designed and fabricated a DBBSF with short-ended stubs formed on the metal housing and U-shaped slots in the stripline. Our design produced stop bands at 6.6 and 12.5 GHz, corresponding to attenuation levels of 27 and 26 dB, respectively. The short-ended waveguide stubs on the metal housing do not require additional space. Excellent agreement was achieved between the measured and simulated results.



这封信介绍了一种基于悬浮带状线 (SSL) 的新型双频带带阻滤波器 (DBBSF),其金属外壳上带有短端波导短截线。横向嵌入 SSL 金属外壳中的短端波导短截线已被证明可以引入独立的传输零点。主要适用于高次谐波抑制。这封信描述了一种带有四个短端波导短截线的带阻滤波器,中心频率为 12.5 GHz。 SSL 中的 U 形槽形成谐振器并提供额外的独立阻带。我们设计并制造了一个 DBBSF,其金属外壳上形成有短端短截线,带状线上有 U 形槽。我们的设计产生了 6.6 和 12.5 GHz 的阻带,分别对应于 27 和 26 dB 的衰减水平。金属外壳上的短端波导短截线不需要额外的空间。测量结果和模拟结果之间取得了很好的一致性。