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α‐SnF2: A UV Birefringent Material with Large Birefringence and Easy Crystal Growth
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202014279
Jingyu Guo 1, 2 , Abudukadi Tudi 1, 2 , Shujuan Han 1, 2 , Zhihua Yang 1, 2 , Shilie Pan 1, 2

The simple binary fluoride α‐SnF2 is shown to be an excellent birefringent material with outstanding birefringence, about 14 times that of MgF2. Furthermore, it exhibits a shorter UV cutoff edge and easy crystal growth at ambient temperature compared to YVO4 and TiO2. A novel theoretical calculation mode was established to analyze the stereochemical‐activity lone‐pair (SCALP) contribution to the birefringence (SCB) based on the SCALP′s strength and arrangement, and it was found that the large birefringence of α‐SnF2 mainly benefits from well‐aligned [SnF5] polyhedra with a strong SCALP. The exploration of the α‐SnF2 birefringent crystal points out the direction of the future search for excellent birefringent materials.



的简单的二进制氟化物α-的SnF 2被示出为具有突出的双折射优异的双折射材料,有关的MgF的14倍2。此外,与YVO 4和TiO 2相比,它在环境温度下具有更短的紫外线截止边缘,并且易于晶体生长。设立了一个新的理论计算模式来分析立体化学活性孤对(头皮)的贡献基于头皮的强度和结构的双折射(SCB),并且发现,该双折射大的α-的SnF 2主要得益于排列良好的[SnF 5 ]多面体和强大的SCALP。所述的探索α-的SnF 2 双折射晶体指出了未来寻求优质双折射材料的方向。