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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting: Trends in Technical Development and Potential Clinical Applications
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pnmrs.2020.10.001
Brendan L Eck 1 , Scott D Flamm 2 , Deborah H Kwon 2 , W H Wilson Tang 3 , Claudia Prieto Vasquez 4 , Nicole Seiberlich 5

Abstract Quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance has emerged in recent years as an approach for evaluating a range of cardiovascular conditions, with T1 and T2 mapping at the forefront of these developments. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (cMRF) provides a rapid and robust framework for simultaneous quantification of myocardial T1 and T2 in addition to other tissue properties. Since the advent of cMRF, a number of technical developments and clinical validation studies have been reported. This review provides an overview of cMRF, recent technical developments, healthy subject and patient studies, anticipated technical improvements, and potential clinical applications. Recent technical developments include slice profile and pulse efficiency corrections, improvements in image reconstruction, simultaneous multislice imaging, 3D whole-ventricle imaging, motion-resolved imaging, fat-water separation, and machine learning for rapid dictionary generation. Future technical developments in cMRF, such as B0 and B1 field mapping, acceleration of acquisition and reconstruction, imaging of patients with implanted devices, and quantification of additional tissue properties are also described. Potential clinical applications include characterization of infiltrative, inflammatory, and ischemic cardiomyopathies, tissue characterization in the left atrium and right ventricle, post-cardiac transplantation assessment, reduction of contrast material, pre-procedural planning for electrophysiology interventions, and imaging of patients with implanted devices.



摘要 近年来,定量心脏磁共振作为一种评估一系列心血管疾病的方法而出现,其中 T1 和 T2 映射处于这些发展的最前沿。心脏磁共振指纹图谱 (cMRF) 提供了一个快速而强大的框架,用于同时量化心肌 T1 和 T2 以及其他组织特性。自cMRF出现以来,已经报道了许多技术发展和临床验证研究。本综述概述了 cMRF、最新技术发展、健康受试者和患者研究、预期技术改进以及潜在的临床应用。最近的技术发展包括切片轮廓和脉冲效率校正、图像重建的改进、同步多切片成像、3D全心室成像、运动分辨成像、脂水分离和用于快速字典生成的机器学习。还描述了 cMRF 的未来技术发展,例如 B0 和 B1 场映射、采集和重建加速、植入设备的患者成像以及其他组织特性的量化。潜在的临床应用包括浸润性、炎症性和缺血性心肌病的表征、左心房和右心室的组织表征、心脏移植后评估、对比材料的减少、电生理干预的术前规划以及植入设备的患者成像。