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Pretreatment of diesel-contaminated hydrophobic soil using surfactant and sodium hexa-metaphosphate (Na-HMP) to improve infiltration of aqueous phase remedial agents in unsaturated soil
Journal of Soils and Sediments ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s11368-020-02822-w
Prakash Gautam , Seung-Woo Jeong


The remediation of diesel-contaminated hydrophobic soil is difficult due to the inability of aqueous phase remedial agents to infiltrate the soil. This novel laboratory study enhanced the gravity-driven infiltration of water and oxidant solution into the hydrophobic soil by pretreatment. For this purpose, the hydrophobic soil was pretreated (partially liquid saturating) using 0.1% sodium hexa-metaphosphate (Na-HMP) and 0.5% alpha olefin sulfonate (AOS).


The diesel-contaminated soil (34,167 ± 560 mg TPH/kg) was partially saturated with 0.5 pore volumes of Na-HMP and surfactant mixture solution. The infiltration experiment of the pretreated soil was conducted by pouring a solution (water/oxidant) provided from the Marriott reservoir over the digital balance.

Results and discussion

This study did not observe any natural infiltration of water or oxidant reagent into the diesel-contaminated soil. After the pretreatment, the cumulative infiltration of water to the pretreated soil increased to 5.17 cm after 40 min. The natural infiltration occurred due to the dispersion of soil particles and reduction of hydrophobicity by the Na-HMP and AOS, respectively. Widened soil pores were observed after pretreatment using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. The infiltration of 5% Na2S2O8 solution was 5.80 cm after 40 min when the diesel-contaminated soil was pretreated with 0.1% Na-HMP and 0.5% AOS.


Pretreatment using Na-HMP and AOS can enhance the remediation of highly hydrophobic and low-permeability soils. This finding can provide an insight into enhancing the soil remediation efficiency by increasing the gravity-driven uniform delivery of the remediation agent into the undisturbed soil.

Graphical abstract






柴油污染的土壤(34,167±560 mg TPH / kg)用0.5孔体积的Na-HMP和表面活性剂混合溶液部分饱和。通过将万豪水库提供的溶液(水/氧化剂)倒入数字天平上,进行预处理过的土壤的渗透实验。


这项研究没有观察到水或氧化剂自然渗透到被柴油污染的土壤中。预处理后,经过40分钟后,水对预处理土壤的累积渗透增加至5.17 cm。天然的渗透是由于土壤颗粒的分散和Na-HMP和AOS的疏水性降低所致。预处理后,使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析观察到土壤孔隙变宽。当用0.1%Na-HMP和0.5%AOS预处理被柴油污染的土壤时,40分钟后5%Na 2 S 2 O 8溶液的渗透为5.80 cm。



