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On-Line Coupling of Chip-Electrochromatography and Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c03446
Nora T. Hartner 1 , Christian-Robert Raddatz 2 , Christian Thoben 2 , Sebastian K. Piendl 1 , Stefan Zimmermann 2 , Detlev Belder 1

We report the first hyphenation of chip-electrochromatography (ChEC) with ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). This approach combines the separation power of two electrokinetically driven separation techniques, the first in liquid phase and the second in gas phase, with a label-free detection of the analytes. For achieving this, a microfluidic glass chip incorporating a monolithic separation column, a nanofluidic liquid junction for providing post-column electrical contact, and a monolithically integrated electrospray emitter was developed. This device was successfully coupled to a custom-built high-resolution drift tube IMS with shifted potentials. After proof-of-concept studies in which a mixture of five model compounds was analyzed in less than 80 s, this first ChEC–IMS system was applied to a more complex sample, the analysis of herbicides spiked in the wine matrix. The use of ChEC before IMS detection not only facilitated the peak allocation and increased the peak capacity but also enabled analyte quantification. As both, ChEC and IMS work at ambient conditions and are driven by high voltages, no bulky pumping systems are needed, neither for the hydrodynamic pumping of the mobile phase as in high-performance liquid chromatography nor for generating a vacuum system as in mass spectrometry. Accordingly, the approach has great potential as a portable analytical system for field analysis of complex mixtures.



我们报告与离子迁移谱(IMS)的芯片电色谱(ChEC)的第一次断字。该方法将两种电动驱动的分离技术(液相中的第一种和气相中的第二种)的分离能力与对分析物的无标记检测相结合。为了实现这一点,开发了一种微流体玻璃芯片,其包括整体式分离柱,用于提供柱后电接触的纳米流体液体结和整体式电喷雾发射器。该设备已成功地与定制的具有漂移电位的高分辨率漂移管IMS耦合。在概念验证研究中,在不到80 s的时间内对五种模型化合物的混合物进行了分析,然后将第一个ChEC-IMS系统应用于更复杂的样品,酒基质中添加的除草剂的分析。在IMS检测之前使用ChEC不仅有助于峰分配和增加峰容量,而且还可以进行分析物定量。由于ChEC和IMS均在环境条件下工作,并由高压驱动,因此不需要笨重的泵系统,既不需要像高效液相色谱法那样流动相的流体动力泵,也不需要像质谱法那样产生真空系统。因此,该方法作为用于复杂混合物现场分析的便携式分析系统具有巨大潜力。不需要笨重的泵送系统,既不需要像高效液相色谱法那样流动相的流体动力泵送,也不需要像质谱法那样产生真空系统。因此,该方法作为用于复杂混合物现场分析的便携式分析系统具有巨大潜力。不需要笨重的泵送系统,既不需要像高效液相色谱法那样流动相的流体动力泵送,也不需要像质谱法那样产生真空系统。因此,该方法作为用于复杂混合物现场分析的便携式分析系统具有巨大潜力。