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Monoclinic α-Na2FePO4F with Strong Antisite Disorder and Enhanced Na+ Diffusion
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01961 Maria A. Kirsanova 1 , Alexey S. Akmaev 2 , Dmitry A. Aksyonov 2 , Sergey V. Ryazantsev 2 , Victoria A. Nikitina 2 , Dmitry S. Filimonov 3 , Maxim Avdeev 4 , Artem M. Abakumov 2
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01961 Maria A. Kirsanova 1 , Alexey S. Akmaev 2 , Dmitry A. Aksyonov 2 , Sergey V. Ryazantsev 2 , Victoria A. Nikitina 2 , Dmitry S. Filimonov 3 , Maxim Avdeev 4 , Artem M. Abakumov 2
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A new monoclinic α-polymorph of the Na2FePO4F fluoride-phosphate has been directly synthesized via a hydrothermal method for application in metal-ion batteries. The crystal structure of the as-prepared α-Na2FePO4F studied with powder X-ray and neutron diffraction (P21/c, a = 13.6753(10) Å, b = 5.2503(2) Å, c = 13.7202(8) Å, β = 120.230(4)°) demonstrates strong antisite disorder between the Na and Fe atoms. As revealed with DFT-based calculations, α-Na2FePO4F has low migration barriers for Na+ along the main pathway parallel to the b axis, and an additional diffusion bypass allowing the Na+ cations to go around the Na/Fe antisite defects. These results corroborate with the extremely high experimental Na-ion diffusion coefficient of (1–5)·10–11 cm2·s–1, which is 2 orders of magnitude higher than that for the orthorhombic β-polymorph ((5–10)·10–13 cm2·s–1). Being tested as a cathode material in Na- and Li-ion battery cells, monoclinic α-Na2FePO4F exhibits a reversible specific capacity of 90 and 80 mAh g–1, respectively.
单斜晶α-的Na 2的FePO 4 f控制强障碍反位和增强型的Na +扩散
通过水热法直接合成了Na 2 FePO 4 F氟化物磷酸盐的单斜α-多晶型物,并将其应用于金属离子电池。的晶体结构所制备的α-的Na 2的FePO 4 ˚F研究了粉末X射线和中子衍射(P 2 1 / ç,一个= 13.6753(10)A,b = 5.2503(2)埃,c ^ = 13.7202 (8)Å,β= 120.230(4)°)表明Na和Fe原子之间存在强烈的反位错。与基于DFT的计算显示,α-的Na 2的FePO 4 F具有的Na低迁移障碍+沿着平行于b轴的主要路径,以及一个额外的扩散旁路,允许Na +阳离子绕过Na / Fe反位缺陷。这些结果与(1–5)·10 –11 cm 2 ·s –1的极高的Na离子扩散系数实验相符,该扩散系数比正交β-多晶型物高(2(5–10 )·10 –13 cm 2 ·s –1)。被测试为在NA-阴极材料和锂离子电池单元,单斜晶α-的Na 2的FePO 4 ˚F表现出90和80毫安g的可逆比容量-1,分别。

单斜晶α-的Na 2的FePO 4 f控制强障碍反位和增强型的Na +扩散
通过水热法直接合成了Na 2 FePO 4 F氟化物磷酸盐的单斜α-多晶型物,并将其应用于金属离子电池。的晶体结构所制备的α-的Na 2的FePO 4 ˚F研究了粉末X射线和中子衍射(P 2 1 / ç,一个= 13.6753(10)A,b = 5.2503(2)埃,c ^ = 13.7202 (8)Å,β= 120.230(4)°)表明Na和Fe原子之间存在强烈的反位错。与基于DFT的计算显示,α-的Na 2的FePO 4 F具有的Na低迁移障碍+沿着平行于b轴的主要路径,以及一个额外的扩散旁路,允许Na +阳离子绕过Na / Fe反位缺陷。这些结果与(1–5)·10 –11 cm 2 ·s –1的极高的Na离子扩散系数实验相符,该扩散系数比正交β-多晶型物高(2(5–10 )·10 –13 cm 2 ·s –1)。被测试为在NA-阴极材料和锂离子电池单元,单斜晶α-的Na 2的FePO 4 ˚F表现出90和80毫安g的可逆比容量-1,分别。