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Toxoplasmosis and the Heart
Current Problems in Cardiology ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2020.100741
Zier Zhou 1 , Hector Isaac Alejandro Ortiz Lopez 2 , Gonzalo Emanuel Pérez 3 , Lucrecia Maria Burgos 4 , Juan María Farina 3 , Clara Saldarriaga 5 , Ricardo Lopez-Santi 6 , Juan Ignacio Cotella 7 , Ana Laura Sauce Pérez 8 , Adrian Baranchuk 1

Toxoplasmosis is a common disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a parasite with high prevalence in tropical regions. Most infections show minimal symptoms, but immunocompromised patients tend to have a poor prognosis. Cardiovascular (CV) manifestations in toxoplasmosis are rare and reported in a limited number of patients. As part of the “Neglected Tropical Diseases and Other Infectious Diseases Affecting the Heart” (NET-Heart) project, this paper aims to systematically review all available information regarding the CV implications of toxoplasmosis. Relevant studies were identified in the MEDLINE/PubMed database, and 48 articles were ultimately included. This was completed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Cardiac compromise in toxoplasmosis mainly involves myocarditis, and complications vary widely in severity. Toxoplasmic myocarditis is challenging to diagnose, as endomyocardial biopsy is usually required. This article provides a summary of cardiac toxoplasmosis, including an original algorithm facilitating diagnosis and treatment.



弓形虫病是由弓形虫T. gondii)引起的常见疾病),在热带地区流行率很高的寄生虫。大多数感染的症状很少,但免疫功能低下的患者预后较差。弓形虫病的心血管(CV)表现很少见,并且在少数患者中已有报道。作为“影响心脏的被忽视的热带病和其他传染病”(NET-Heart)项目的一部分,本文旨在系统地审查有关弓形虫病的CV影响的所有可用信息。在MEDLINE / PubMed数据库中鉴定了相关研究,最终纳入48篇文章。这是根据“系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目”(PRISMA)指南完成的。弓形虫病的心脏损害主要涉及心肌炎,并发症的严重程度差异很大。弓形体心肌炎很难诊断,因为通常需要进行心内膜活检。本文概述了心脏弓形虫病,包括有助于诊断和治疗的原始算法。
