Journal of Invertebrate Pathology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2020.107482 Jamie Bojko 1 , Amy L Burgess 1 , Ambroise G Baker 1 , Caroline H Orr 1
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Invasive non-native species (INNS) pose a risk as vectors of parasitic organisms (Invasive Parasites). Introducing invasive parasites can result in ecological disturbances, leading to biodiversity loss and native species illness/mortality, but occasionally can control INNS limiting their impact. Risks to human health and the economy are also associated with INNS and invasive parasites; however, we understand little about the diversity of symbiotic organisms co-invading alongside INNS. This lack of clarity is an important aspect of the ‘One Health’ prerogative, which aims to bridge the gap between human, wildlife, and ecosystem health.
To explore symbiont diversity associated with the invasive crustacean group (including: crab, lobster, crayfish, shrimp, amphipod, isopod, copepod, barnacle, other) (n = 323) derived from 1054 aquatic invertebrates classed as INNS across databases, we compile literature (year range 1800–2017) from the native and invasive range to provide a cumulative symbiont profile for each species. Our search indicated that 31.2% of INN crustaceans were known to hold at least one symbiont, whereby the remaining 68.8% had no documented symbionts. The symbiont list mostly consisted of helminths (27% of the known diversity) and protists (23% of the known diversity), followed by bacteria (12%) and microsporidians (12%). Carcinus maenas, the globally invasive and extremely well-studied green crab, harboured the greatest number of symbionts (n = 72). Additional screening is imperative to become more informed on invasive symbiont threats.
We reveal that few studies provide truly empirical data that connect biodiversity loss with invasive parasites and suggest that dedicated studies on available systems will help to provide vital case studies. Despite the lack of empirical data, co-invasive parasites of invasive invertebrates appear capable of lowering local biodiversity, especially by causing behavioural change and mortality in native species. Alternatively, several invasive parasites appear to protect ecosystems by controlling the impact and population size of their invasive host. We provide a protocol that could be followed to explore symbiont diversity in invasive groups as part of our case studies.
The consequence of limited parasite screening of INNS, in addition to the impacts invasive parasites impart on local ecologies, are explored throughout the review. We conclude in strong support of the ‘One Health’ prerogative and further identify a need to better explore disease in invasion systems, many of which are accountable for economic, human health and ecological diversity impacts.

侵入性非本地物种 (INNS) 作为寄生生物的载体 (Invasive Parasites) 构成风险。引入侵入性寄生虫会导致生态干扰,导致生物多样性丧失和本地物种疾病/死亡,但有时可以控制 INNS 限制其影响。人类健康和经济风险也与 INNS 和侵入性寄生虫有关;然而,我们对与 INNS 共同入侵的共生生物的多样性知之甚少。这种不明确是“一个健康”特权的一个重要方面,旨在弥合人类、野生动物和生态系统健康之间的差距。
为了探索与入侵性甲壳类动物群(包括:蟹、龙虾、小龙虾、虾、片脚类、等足类、桡足类、藤壶、其他)(n = 323)相关的共生体多样性,这些共生体来自 1054 种跨数据库归类为 INNS 的水生无脊椎动物,我们编译了文献(年份范围 1800-2017)来自本地和入侵范围,以提供每个物种的累积共生体概况。我们的搜索表明,已知 31.2% 的 INN 甲壳类动物拥有至少一种共生体,而其余 68.8% 没有记录在案的共生体。共生体列表主要由蠕虫(已知多样性的 27%)和原生生物(已知多样性的 23%)组成,其次是细菌(12%)和微孢子虫(12%)。肉桂是全球入侵且研究得非常深入的绿蟹,拥有最多数量的共生体(n = 72)。为了更加了解侵入性共生体威胁,必须进行额外的筛查。
除了侵入性寄生虫对当地生态的影响之外,在整个审查过程中还探讨了 INNS 寄生虫筛查有限的后果。我们得出结论强烈支持“一个健康”特权,并进一步确定需要更好地探索入侵系统中的疾病,其中许多对经济、人类健康和生态多样性的影响负责。