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Highly Compressible Polymer Composite Foams with Thermal Heating-Boosted Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Abilities
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c13081
Biao Zhao 1, 2, 3 , Xiping Li 4 , Shuiping Zeng 4 , Ruoming Wang 2 , Lei Wang 1 , Renchao Che 1 , Rui Zhang 2 , Chul B. Park 3

Polymer composite foams are desirable materials for electromagnetic (EM) energy attenuation. However, a number of challenges limit improvement in the EM energy attenuation properties of foams. In this study, a simple microcellular injection molding method was used to fabricate highly compressible thermoplastic urethane (TPU)/carbon nanotube (CNTs) composite foams, which also had increased conductivity with an increase in CNT content. Compared to unfoamed composites, foamed composites exhibited higher conductivity and EM attenuation properties because of the presence of a microcellular structure. Moreover, the TPU/CNT foam with 4 wt % CNTs (F(4)) demonstrated strong EM dissipation and an optimal reflection loss (RL) value of −30.4 dB. Furthermore, stimulated by thermal heating and cyclic compression, EM attenuation was observed to increase because of the higher conductivity. Note that F(4) foam having a small thickness of 1.3 mm when treated at 333 K had the highest EM dissipation and the lowest RL value of −51.8 dB. Enhanced polarization and ohmic losses and multiscattering were responsible for the increased EM absorption. This behavior is attributed to the movement of CNTs within the TPU elastomer walls via thermal or compression stimulation. For designing stimulation-dependent multifunctional materials, composite foams with response to thermal heating were proved to be an alternative approach.



聚合物复合泡沫材料是用于衰减电磁(EM)能量的理想材料。然而,许多挑战限制了泡沫的EM能量衰减性能的改善。在这项研究中,使用一种简单的微孔注射成型方法来制造高度可压缩的热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)/碳纳米管(CNT)复合泡沫,该泡沫也随着CNT含量的增加而具有增加的电导率。与未发泡复合材料相比,发泡复合材料由于存在微孔结构,因此具有更高的电导率和EM衰减特性。此外,具有4 wt%的CNT(F(4))的TPU / CNT泡沫表现出较强的EM耗散和-30.4 dB的最佳反射损耗(RL)值。此外,在热加热和循环压缩的刺激下,由于较高的电导率,观察到EM衰减增加。请注意,当在333 K下处理时,具有1.3mm小厚度的F(4)泡沫具有最高的EM耗散和最低的RL值为-51.8 dB。增强的极化和欧姆损耗以及多重散射是增加EM吸收的原因。此行为归因于CNT通过热或压缩刺激在TPU弹性体壁内移动。对于设计依赖刺激的多功能材料,已证明响应热加热的复合泡沫是另一种方法。增强的极化和欧姆损耗以及多重散射是增加EM吸收的原因。此行为归因于CNT通过热或压缩刺激在TPU弹性体壁内移动。对于设计依赖刺激的多功能材料,已证明响应热加热的复合泡沫是另一种方法。增强的极化和欧姆损耗以及多重散射是增加EM吸收的原因。此行为归因于CNT通过热或压缩刺激在TPU弹性体壁内移动。对于设计依赖刺激的多功能材料,已证明响应热加热的复合泡沫是另一种方法。