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Stability of lignocellulosic papers strengthened and deacidified with aminoalkylalkoxysilanes
Polymer Degradation and Stability ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2020.109413
Nathan Ferrandin-Schoffel , Charlotte Martineau-Corcos , Camille Piovesan , Sabrina Paris-Lacombe , Odile Fichet , Anne-Laurence Dupont

The durability of paper documents treated with aminoalkylalkoxysilane copolymer (co-AAAS) flexible networks, as deacidifying and strengthenening agents, was studied. To this end, a 1922 lignocellulosic newsprint paper was treated with co-AAASs and characterized. Physico-chemical properties such as pH, chromatism, opacity and mechanical strength were measured shortly upon treatment and several years after. In order to better understand the role of the initial degradation state of the paper and the impact of its constituents other than cellulose (lignin, alum-rosin sizing) on the treatment efficiency, several laboratory papers were added as models. It was shown that alum-rosin sizing contributed to a decrease in pH of the most degraded treated paper over the monitoring time, whereas the strengthening effect was mostly affected by the presence of lignin. In particular, for most papers, after several years, the gain in folding endurance was the lowest in the lignin-rich ones. The breaking length of all the papers increased post-treatment and over time, independently of the paper constituents. This was attributed to the slowly progressing aminoalkylalkoxysilanes polycondensation, on the scale of years, as evidenced by Cross Polarisation – Mass Angle Spinning 29Si solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.



研究了用氨基烷基烷氧基硅烷共聚物(co-AAAS)柔性网络作为脱酸和增强剂处理的纸质文件的耐久性。为此,对1922年木质纤维素新闻纸进行了共AAAS处理并进行了表征。在治疗后不久和数年后测量诸如pH,色度,不透明度和机械强度等理化性质。为了更好地了解纸的初始降解状态的作用及其除纤维素外的其他成分(木质素,铝松香施胶剂)对处理效率的影响,添加了几篇实验室论文作为模型。结果表明,在监测时间内,铝松香上浆会导致降解最严重的处理纸的pH值降低,而强化作用主要受木质素的存在影响。尤其是,对于大多数纸张而言,几年后,耐折纸性的增益在富含木质素的纸张中是最低的。所有纸张的断裂长度均随纸张成分的增加而增加后处理和时间的延长。这归因于逐步发展的氨基烷基烷氧基硅烷缩聚反应(以年为单位),这由交叉极化–质量角旋转证明了这一点。29 Si固态核磁共振。
