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Phylogenomics of the Hyperdiverse Daisy Tribes: Anthemideae, Astereae, Calenduleae, Gnaphalieae, and Senecioneae
Journal of Systematics and Evolution ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/jse.12698
Linda E. Watson 1 , Carolina M. Siniscalchi 2, 3 , Jennifer Mandel 3

Asteraceae account for 10% of all flowering plant species, and 35%–40% of these are in five closely related tribes that total over 10 000 species. These tribes include Anthemideae, Astereae, Calenduleae, Gnaphalieae, and Senecioneae, which form one of two enormous clades within Subfamily Asteroideae. We took a phylogenomics approach to resolve evolutionary relationships among these five tribes. We sampled the nuclear and plastid genomes via HybSeq target enrichment and genome skimming, and recovered 74 plastid genes and nearly 1000 nuclear loci, known as Conserved Orthologous Sequences. We tested for conflicting support in both data sets and used network analyses to assess patterns of reticulation to explain the early evolutionary history of this lineage, which has experienced whole‐genome duplications and rapid radiations. We found concordance and conflicting support in both data sets and documented four ancient hybridization events. Due to the timing of the early radiation of this five‐tribe lineage, shortly before the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event (34 MYA), early lineages were likely lost, obscuring some details of their early evolutionary history.



菊科占所有开花植物物种的 10%,其中 35%–40% 属于五个密切相关的部落,总数超过 10 000 种。这些部落包括 Anthemideae、Astereae、Calenduleae、Gnaphalieae 和 Senecioneae,它们构成了 Asteroideae 亚科中的两个巨大分支之一。我们采用系统基因组学方法来解决这五个部落之间的进化关系。我们通过 HybSeq 目标富集和基因组撇取对核和质体基因组进行采样,并回收了 74 个质体基因和近 1000 个核位点,称为保守直系同源序列。我们在两个数据集中测试了相互矛盾的支持,并使用网络分析来评估网状结构的模式,以解释该谱系的早期进化历史,该谱系经历了全基因组重复和快速辐射。我们在两个数据集中发现了一致性和相互矛盾的支持,并记录了四个古老的杂交事件。由于这个五部落谱系的早期辐射时间,在始新世-渐新世灭绝事件(34 MYA)之前不久,早期谱系可能已经丢失,掩盖了它们早期进化历史的一些细节。