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Scientists and science are on the ballot
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-16 , DOI: 10.1126/science.370.6514.283
Jeffrey Mervis

Scientists running for Congress are no longer a novelty. But winning still is. The polls say chemist Nancy Goroff, a New York Democrat battling a Republican incumbent for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, has a good chance of becoming the first female Ph.D. scientist to serve in Congress. But it may take a miracle for wildlife ecologist Merav Ben-David, a Democrat, to win an open Senate seat in Wyoming. The pair of professors joins several congressional candidates with scientific backgrounds who are competing for votes in the 3 November election, along with science-related initiatives in four states. Several first-term House members with technical training are also up for reelection.



竞选国会的科学家不再是新事物。但是赢还是。民意调查显示,化学家南希·戈洛夫(Nancy Goroff)是一名与共和党现任议员在美国众议院就职的斗争的纽约民主党人,很有可能成为首位女性博士学位。在国会任职的科学家。但是,要赢得怀俄明州参议院的席位,民主党的野生生物生态学家梅拉夫·本·戴维(Merav Ben-David)可能需要奇迹。两位教授与几位具有科学背景的国会候选人一起参加了11月3日的选举,并在四个州进行了与科学有关的倡议。几个第一届众议院议员与技术培训也达到竞选连任。
