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Graft Copolymer Elastomers with Polar Polyacrylonitrile as Semicrystalline Side Chains: Excellent Toughness and Healability
Macromolecules ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c01716
Deli Xu 1 , Wenwen Wang 1, 2 , Yuzhu Zheng 3 , Shiyou Tian 1 , Yuanli Chen 1 , Zhentan Lu 1, 2 , Yuedan Wang 1, 2 , Ke Liu 1, 2 , Dong Wang 2, 3, 4

Elastomers with optimal mechanical performance and healability are indispensable for applications such as wearable electronics, automotive, and future robotics. Herein, an infrequent strategy was developed to build graft copolymer elastomers with polar polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as semicrystalline side chains and poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) as amorphous backbones, in which the fraction of PAN segments and junction points was designed. Miniemulsion polymerization was utilized to increase the incorporation of semicrystalline macromonomers into amorphous backbones. The resultant graft copolymer elastomers (PMA-g-PAN) presented that the maximum toughness could reach 19.3 MJ/m3. For PMA-g-PAN with a PAN content of 10.6 wt % and appropriate graft density (junction points of 10.1), the minimum residual strain was approximately 20% after the tenth stretch to 200% strain. The maximum residual strain runs up to approximately 70% after the tenth stretch to 400% strain. Results indicated that high toughness and excellent elasticity after cyclic stretching were assigned to the high molecular weight, optimized polar interaction between cyano groups, and crystallinity of side chains (PAN, 10.6 wt %) as well as the numerous junction points (10.1) of the graft copolymer. Additionally, elastomers in this work possessed excellent healability, and the healing efficiency was 82% under 50 °C only by interaction between cyano groups in side chains. In this work, we report a superior and convenient strategy for improving mechanical properties and prolonging the lifetime of polymeric elastomers only by importing polar and semicrystalline segments into the graft copolymer elastomer.



具有最佳机械性能和可修复性的弹性体对于诸如可穿戴电子设备,汽车和未来的机器人技术等应用而言必不可少。本文中,开发了一种不常见的策略来构建接枝共聚物弹性体,其中极性聚丙烯腈(PAN)作为半结晶侧链,而聚丙烯酸甲酯(PMA)作为无定形主链,其中设计了PAN链段和结合点的比例。利用细乳液聚合来增加半结晶大分子单体到无定形主链中的掺入。所得接枝共聚物弹性体(PMA- g- PAN)的最大韧性可以达到19.3 MJ / m 3。对于PMA- g-PAN的PAN含量为10.6 wt%,接枝密度合适(接点为10.1),在第十次拉伸至200%应变后,最小残余应变约为20%。第十次拉伸至400%应变后,最大残余应变达到约70%。结果表明,循环拉伸后的高韧性和优异的弹性可归因于高分子量,氰基之间的最佳极性相互作用,侧链的结晶度(PAN,10.6 wt%)以及该聚合物的许多连接点(10.1)。接枝共聚物。此外,这项工作中的弹性体具有出色的修复性,仅通过侧链中的氰基之间的相互作用,其在50°C下的修复效率为82%。在这项工作中