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Charge Redistribution Mechanisms in SnSe2 Surfaces Exposed to Oxidative and Humid Environments and Their Related Influence on Chemical Sensing
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02616
Gianluca D’Olimpio, Francesca Genuzio, Tevfik Onur Menteş, Valentina Paolucci, Chia-Nung Kuo, Amjad Al Taleb, Chin Shan Lue, Piero Torelli, Daniel Farías, Andrea Locatelli, Danil W. Boukhvalov, Carlo Cantalini, Antonio Politano

Tin diselenide (SnSe2) is a van der Waals semiconductor, which spontaneously forms a subnanometric SnO2 skin once exposed to air. Here, by means of surface-science spectroscopies and density functional theory, we have investigated the charge redistribution at the SnO2–SnSe2 heterojunction in both oxidative and humid environments. Explicitly, we find that the work function of the pristine SnSe2 surface increases by 0.23 and 0.40 eV upon exposure to O2 and air, respectively, with a charge transfer reaching 0.56 e/SnO2 between the underlying SnSe2 and the SnO2 skin. Remarkably, both pristine SnSe2 and defective SnSe2 display chemical inertness toward water, in contrast to other metal chalcogenides. Conversely, the SnO2–SnSe2 interface formed upon surface oxidation is highly reactive toward water, with subsequent implications for SnSe2-based devices working in ambient humidity, including chemical sensors. Our findings also imply that recent reports on humidity sensing with SnSe2 should be reinterpreted, considering the pivotal role of the oxide skin in the interaction with water molecules.


暴露于氧化和潮湿环境的 SnSe2 表面的电荷重新分布机制及其对化学传感的相关影响

二硒化锡 (SnSe 2 ) 是一种范德华半导体,一旦暴露于空气中,就会自发形成亚纳米 SnO 2皮层。在这里,通过表面科学光谱和密度泛函理论,我们研究了氧化和潮湿环境中 SnO 2 -SnSe 2异质结的电荷重新分布。明确地,我们发现原始 SnSe 2表面的功函数在暴露于 O 2和空气时分别增加了 0.23 和 0.40 eV,底层 SnSe 2和 SnO 2之间的电荷转移达到 0.56 e /SnO 2皮肤。值得注意的是,与其他金属硫属化物相比,原始 SnSe 2和有缺陷的 SnSe 2对水都表现出化学惰性。相反,表面氧化时形成的SnO 2 -SnSe 2界面对水具有高度反应性,这对在环境湿度下工作的基于SnSe 2的器件(包括化学传感器)产生了后续影响。我们的研究结果还意味着,考虑到氧化皮在与水分子相互作用中的关键作用,最近关于 SnSe 2湿度传感的报道应该重新解释。