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Stockpiling as resilience: Defending and contextualising extra food procurement during lockdown
Appetite ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104981
Beth Benker

During the U.K.‘s lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, both food shortages and stockpiling were well-publicised events. The U.K's food system has struggled and lockdown shortages are part of an ongoing trend of anxiety around the food system. Analysis of 19 interviews with people responsible for food procurement within households reveals that while shortages were often experienced for a number of weeks, stockpiling did not take the form of buying large quantities. Instead, modest extra procurement is a more appropriate description of food procurement during lockdown. This article maps six resilience strategies utilised by households in the U.K. during lockdown, of which extra procurement was just one.



在英国为应对 COVID-19 大流行而进行的封锁期间,粮食短缺和库存都是广为人知的事件。英国的食品系统一直在苦苦挣扎,封锁短缺是围绕食品系统的持续焦虑趋势的一部分。对家庭内部食品采购负责人的 19 次访谈的分析表明,虽然短缺通常会持续数周,但囤积并没有采取大量购买的形式。相反,适度的额外采购是对锁定期间食品采购的更合适的描述。本文描绘了英国家庭在锁定期间使用的六种弹性策略,其中额外采购只是其中一种。