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The benefits of implant-retained overdentures as a treatment modality for patients in primary care settings
Evidence-Based Dentistry Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1038/s41432-020-0118-2
Niamh Kelly , Gerry McKenna

Data sources Data was collected utilising Medline (OVID interface), Google Scholar and Cochrane Library. Systematic reviews with/without meta-analysis were selected which included patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life as outcome measures. The literature search performed included systematic reviews with publication dates ranging from 1946 to 2018. PROSPERO was also used to incorporate systematic reviews that had been completed after the last search in August 2018.

Study selection Studies were selected using the PICO model, selecting systematic reviews analysing adult edentulous patients with conventional complete dentures and/or implant-retained overdentures. The systematic reviews chosen assessed satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life, while comparing results to adult edentulous patients with no replacement teeth or prosthesis.

Data extraction and synthesis All of the articles located from the database searches were uploaded to reference management software. Articles were screened independently by two authors to reduce bias and to assess the articles against the predetermined inclusion criteria. The EndNote filter Service was applied to avoid duplication of articles. Guidance from the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (University of York) was incorporated to present data narratively, with text and tables. Eight reviews were included in data synthesis.

Results Of the eight reviews included, six were systematic reviews without meta-analysis, one systematic review with meta-analysis was included and one was meta-analysis.

Conclusions The results of this systematic review highlight the greater benefits of implant retained overdentures compared with conventional complete dentures when assessing patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life. The superiority of implant retained overdentures is most evident when patients cannot tolerate conventional complete dentures. However, consideration most be given to the adaptive capabilities of patients and the financial implications of implant-retained overdentures.



数据源数据是使用Medline(OVID接口),Google Scholar和Cochrane库收集的。选择进行/不进行荟萃分析的系统评价,其中包括患者满意度和与口腔健康相关的生活质量作为结果指标。进行的文献检索包括系统评价,发布日期为1946年至2018年.PROSPERO还用于纳入系统评价,该系统评价在2018年8月的最后一次搜索后完成。




