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Understanding quantum cause and effect
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1126/science.abe0805
Allen Stairs 1

If you read a randomly selected nontechnical account of quantum entanglement, you will likely be told that measuring a particle in one place can instantly change another particle elsewhere, no matter the distance between the two. Surprisingly, this is something that Paul Halpern never claims in his new book, Synchronicity. As the title implies, the central concept of his century-spanning tale is "synchronicity," a term coined by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who was inspired by conversations with physicists Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, to connote an "acausal connecting principle." Quantum correlations, in Halpern's view, are a special case of synchronicity.



如果您阅读随机选择的非技术量子纠缠描述,您可能会被告知,在一个位置测量粒子可以立即在其他位置改变另一个粒子,而不管两者之间的距离如何。令人惊讶的是,这是保罗·哈珀恩(Paul Halpern)在他的新书《同步性》中从未宣称的东西。顾名思义,他跨世纪的故事的中心概念是“同步性”,这是心理分析学家卡尔·荣格(Carl Jung)提出的,他的灵感来自与物理学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)和沃尔夫冈·保利(Wolfgang Pauli)的对话,寓意着“非因果联系原理”。Halpern认为,量子相关性是同步性的特例。
