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Effects of elevated atmosphere CO2 and temperature on the morphology, structure and thermal properties of starch granules and their relationship to cooked rice quality
Food Hydrocolloids ( IF 11.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.106360
Liquan Jing , Chen Chen , Shaowu Hu , Shupeng Dong , Yue Pan , Yunxia Wang , Shangkun Lai , Yulong Wang , Lianxin Yang

Abstract The rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 is accompanied by global warming. However, the effects of the elevated CO2 concentration (EC) and/or air temperature (ET) on starch morphology, structure and thermal properties which considerably contribute to the taste of cooked rice have not been reported to date. Therefore, a field experiment using a temperature/free-air CO2 enrichment facility was conducted with EC (+200 ppm) and/or ET (+1 °C) treatments from 2014 to 2016. The surface area of starch granules and proportion of large starch granules were significantly increased by EC and ET, but the most significant increases of 3.4% and 5.9%, respectively, were induced by the combined treatment. EC did not change the crystalline type but altered the order structure of starch molecules: EC averagely decreased the ratios of 1045/1022 and 1022/995 cm−1 by 2.6% and 3.3% respectively, however, significantly increased the crystallinity by 4%. For most cases, EC significantly increased the gelatinization temperature and pasting viscosity of starch, decreased setback, enthalpy and protein content and eventually improved rice taste. Results of correlation analysis suggested that EC affected the thermal properties of starch and the taste of cooked rice mainly by improving the size and molecule order structure of starch granules. Small and few significant ET and EC × ET effects were detected, indicating that the EC influence will be predominant in future climate. These findings will help in improving rice palatability and developing the starch industry.



摘要 大气中CO2 的迅速增加伴随着全球变暖。然而,迄今为止,尚未报道升高的 CO2 浓度 (EC) 和/或空气温度 (ET) 对淀粉形态、结构和热特性的影响,这些影响对米饭的味道有很大影响。因此,从 2014 年到 2016 年,使用温度/自由空气 CO2 富集设施进行了 EC(+200 ppm)和/或 ET(+1°C)处理的现场实验。 EC 和 ET 显着增加了淀粉颗粒,但联合处理分别诱导了 3.4% 和 5.9% 的最显着增加。EC 没有改变结晶类型,但改变了淀粉分子的有序结构:EC 平均将 1045/1022 和 1022/995 cm-1 的比率分别降低了 2.6% 和 3.3%,然而,结晶度显着提高了 4%。在大多数情况下,EC 显着提高了淀粉的糊化温度和糊化粘度,降低了挫折、焓和蛋白质含量,最终改善了大米的口感。相关分析结果表明,EC主要通过改善淀粉颗粒的大小和分子序结构来影响淀粉的热特性和米饭的口感。检测到小而少的显着 ET 和 EC × ET 效应,表明 EC 影响将在未来气候中占主导地位。这些发现将有助于改善大米的适口性和发展淀粉工业。结晶度显着提高了 4%。在大多数情况下,EC 显着提高了淀粉的糊化温度和糊化粘度,降低了挫折、焓和蛋白质含量,最终改善了大米的口感。相关分析结果表明,EC主要通过改善淀粉颗粒的大小和分子序结构来影响淀粉的热特性和米饭的口感。检测到小而少的显着 ET 和 EC × ET 效应,表明 EC 影响将在未来气候中占主导地位。这些发现将有助于改善大米的适口性和发展淀粉工业。结晶度显着提高了 4%。在大多数情况下,EC 显着提高了淀粉的糊化温度和糊化粘度,降低了挫折、焓和蛋白质含量,最终改善了大米的口感。相关分析结果表明,EC主要通过改善淀粉颗粒的大小和分子序结构来影响淀粉的热特性和米饭的口感。检测到小而少的显着 ET 和 EC × ET 效应,表明 EC 影响将在未来气候中占主导地位。这些发现将有助于改善大米的适口性和发展淀粉工业。相关分析结果表明,EC主要通过改善淀粉颗粒的大小和分子序结构来影响淀粉的热特性和米饭的口感。检测到小而少的显着 ET 和 EC × ET 效应,表明 EC 影响将在未来气候中占主导地位。这些发现将有助于改善大米的适口性和发展淀粉工业。相关分析结果表明,EC主要通过改善淀粉颗粒的大小和分子序结构来影响淀粉的热特性和米饭的口感。检测到小而少的显着 ET 和 EC × ET 效应,表明 EC 影响将在未来气候中占主导地位。这些发现将有助于改善大米的适口性和发展淀粉工业。